Behold the Conspiracy! Masons Attempt to Keep Children Safe from Predators

9-11 Conspiracy Smasher notes, with some amusement, that the “enlightened” posters on the Loose Change forums believe in all types of conspiracies. Freemasons are a popular target for those who see plots against them everywhere, and as if to prove that no good deed goes unpunished, a forum user posted this recently:

“A friend’s son ( 5 years old) recently came home from school with a card with his fingerpints on it and the suggestion he save “finger nail clippings” and on the card was the Freemason logo.

Here is the website that was on the card. Can someone cache this before it disappears?

Notice the”chip” in the site name. 😮 “

The site being referenced is this one which to be fair I thought was a hoax when I first saw it. The Freemasons are on the receiving end of a lot of paranoid mouth foaming, so they should have thought a little harder about how their campaign to keep children safe might be construed by the anti-Mason set, and designed a program accordingly.

On the other hand, they do good work, and despite what conspiracy theorist imply, there are no microchips involved. Masons in several state are setting up child identification programs where kids are given “kits” that have items in it thought helpful for the parents of missing children to have on hand if the unthinkable happens. From the programs main website:

Identifying Items Include:

  • Fingerprints and physical descriptions card.
  • Brief recorded interview on VHS video tape or CD-Rom disc that shows the child’s mannerisms, speech pattern and provides details on places they frequent.
  • Dental impression generated by qualified volunteers (using Toothprints® wafer) provides a 3-dimentional dental record that can be used for identification. (Inclusion of this item defines a program as “comprehensive”.)
  • DNA sample generated by Saliva and cheek skin cells accumulated on the Toothprints® wafer sealed uncontaminated in a zip-lock bag. This also serves as a scent tracer for police tracking dogs to follow.
  • Abduction Prevention Education provided to parents and children during the event or as a hand out included inside the ID kit, increases public awareness about the risk of abduction or exploitation our children now face in today’s society, and provides them with useful safety tips and prevention techniques.

Seems like a good program to me, but of course if you’re prone to getting your information from you’d be incapable of seeing this as anything but a part of the vast conspiracy, which in this case seems to be a conspiracy to make it harder for pedophiles to abduct children.

Keith Olberman Broadcast Communist Propaganda!

Newsbusters caught this one. The online publication People’s Weekly World quoted Keith Olberman in what N.B rightly calls a screed concerning the horror of leftists at the plot of this season’s 24. Oberman called an episode where a nuke was detonated on American soil “naked propaganda” for the Bush administration’s policies. Ironically his indignation is now being used as propaganda for Communist organizations dedicated to the overthrow of the United States. The author goes on to to state his objection to terrorism, one we assume he feels Olberman shares:

“All people of good will, of course, oppose terrorism. The Communist Party USA has often pointed out that terrorism substitutes individual acts of violence for the mass action essential for real progressive change.”

Emphasis mine. What do you suppose the “mass action” the author wants will look like? The fall of Saigon? Russia 1917?

When Communist groups start quoting you in their screeds aimed at shoring up support for an overthrow of the capitalist system that made you a star, maybe it’s time to reassess your positions. What do you think Keith?

Randy Newman is a Racist!

Hot Air was having some fun with this vid of the worlds luckiest no-talent hack showing off his raging case of BDS while at the same time proving that you just can’t stay hip after 50. I chuckled too, until I caught the part where he implies that Justice Thomas isn’t to be considered a “brother” anymore because he’s a Conservative.

A White liberal is saying that Blacks shouldn’t consider other Blacks as “authentic” unless they toe the White liberal party line. Can anyone explain to me why this isn’t racist?

Tax Law for Dummies (and Ed Brown)

My last post about tax evader/Jew hating truther Ed Brown sat around unnoticed for about a week, then exploded into an orgy of anger, accusations, and faulty logic on my comments section. The main point of contention between myself and several marks who are desperate to believe that the overpriced book on dodging taxes they purchased at a “seminar” they paid to get into was money well spent, is that I can’t prove to them that they should pay their taxes. The reason it’s up to me to do so apparently is because:

“Rob, I assume by your rhetoric that you work in some way for the Federal Government….”

That’s right, because I’m for paying my taxes (though I think a flat tax is really the way to go) and I’m against people arming themselves to go kill U.S. Marshals at the behest of Ed Brown, I can only be an agent of the Federal Government. At least according to my new “lawyer” friend Bill H. Read his comments for a peek into the mind of a “tax protester.”

My favorite comment however was by “tbird” who ended his post with this gem:

“Oh, and a couple of last points, the government is your worst enemy and 9/11 was an inside job. Do some homework before you reply.”

My orginal point, that the shootout Ed Brown wants to happen is an outrageous ploy by a man with no conscience (or soul) to ensure he’ll live on in infamy at the expense of some very gullible people, was lost in the well-rehearsed chorus of “prove to me taxes are legal!” that Brown supporters use to distract from the ugly truth about what they, and their movement, really want.

But before I blog on that and expose the anti-American roots of the tax protest movement, I decided to meet these traitors half way, and provide them with some counters to their “arguments” for them to think about.

First, as general backround on the movement itself, the A.D.L. has an article about them in their database. It includes a history of the court cases invoved in the tax protest movement, and their outcomes. Brown supporters will want to read this before April.

Etaxes has posted information on the “big four,” the gurus of the tax protest movement and how their nonsense has ended up causing all sorts of legal problems for people who followed their advice, and themselves. Again, before you skip filing taxes, you may want to read up on this.

Here’s a point by point rebuking of almost every tax protester fallacy by a person who’s willing to spend much more time on trying to debunk this myth then I am. Others were dealing with these same people ten years ago with the same results. Most of the protesters never learn, but this one did, sort of.

Now the ball’s in the tax protesters’ court. Here’s some proof that tax protest books and services are shams by greedy con men (and women) aimed at anti-American kooks. I’m sure there is much to discuss in the comment section about this so …

Flame On!

Jews in England Live in Fear

The Daily Mail reports an increase in anti-Semitic attacks in England, with the majority of the attacks happening in London. The comment section had this post which is telling of how bad the situation is there:

As a Jew living on London, while no-one would know I am Jewish unless I told them, I do hesitate sharing my religious beliefs with anyone but close friends.

I was raised in the States, and while there is hate everywhere – I never felt the fear of revealing my religion before as I do now in London.

– London Jew, London, UK

Multiculturalism at it’s best.