DailyKampf: Radical Left Kossacks Pick Up Where Hitler Left Off!

LGF picks up on the move among “Kossacks” from wild eyed folk Marxism to full fledged National Socialism. Two Kos Diaries feature ideas that only the most disingenuous commentator would describe as anything but treading the very dangerous ground of Nazi era anti-Semitism, including accusations that Jews conspire to receive special treatment, that groups like the A.D.L. and AIPAC secretly “mounted campaigns to suppress and harass Arab and Muslim Americans” and that Senator Clinton’s “unwavering support of the principles of the Likkud party” make her more suitable to be an Israeli citizen then an American.

The first essay, written by LondonYank, contains the general accusations against Jews that seem more in line with David Duke’s brand of “patriotism” then the open minded liberalism espoused by the left. Perusing some of his other titles it is clear that LondonYank is a typical Internet leftist in his views on America, the “evils” of Israel and the need to defend Islam and Islamic countries above all else. In this light we see that his anti-Semitic rambling are not so much the result of internal bigotry as the desire to be on the right (left) side of the issue. LondonYank is attempting to shield the groups he feels are oppressed (Radical Muslims, anti-Zionists and Communists) from the backlash of their own often hateful rhetoric. He is in essence doing what he thinks is right, even though the results of his largess are the same as if he republished the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The Dairy dealing with Senator Clinton is authored by James Risser, who’s vile collection of political screeds would do the most black hearted Neo-Nazi proud. Risser’s venom is not solely spewed on the popular DailyKos however, as it seems he’s made it his personal mission to spread his obsessive hate for Jews, Republicans and the right in general to the four corners of the Internet. His anti-Semitism is no doubt real, though it is based mostly on a conscious decision to see all Muslims as oppressed, and all Jews and Americans as oppressors, rather then having an actual ax of his own to grind. This does nothing to tame the flames of his hatred, however, which is palpable. I pictures Risser, while reading his essays, hunched angrily over a computer, with a Palestinian flag draped over a table next to him where his Arabic language edition of Mien Kampf (a gift from a man he met at an “end the occupation” protest) has a place of honor on his anti-oppression alter.

These two diaries are unfortunately not anomalies. The left, embracing Radical Islam as an ally against the right, is adopting more an more of the anti-Western, Anti-Liberal and ultimately anti-Semitic views that has set Imperial Islam on a collision course with freedom loving peoples across the globe. They have chosen their side, they have chosen hate, barbarity and a world of slavery over democracy. The left, exemplified by people like Risser and LondonYank, and indeed most of the commentators at DailyKos seek to destroy all that is Western, tear down the very foundations of civilization in an orgy of self-loathing and rebellion,fueled by their ennui and the hateful cries of new allies, the radical Muslims who are teaching the left to embrace some very old ideas.

Charlize Theron: Communist Stooge or Uninformed Moron?

Maybe a little of both? While shilling for some sort of Commie propaganda piece she gets caught out there claiming that America has the same limits to freedom of speech Cuba does. As evidence she trots out a story about some unnamed television personality who was fired for speaking out against the war in Iraq. To Theron, a private company firing a reporter for political reasons is on par with the Cuban government torturing and killing dissidents.

Here’s the whole clip:


Theron is parroting the views of pro-Castro, anti-American organizations like Code Pink, who use the so-called “peace movement” as recruiting grounds for their pro-dictatorship activities. Groups like Code Pink often target celebrities who lean left to act as mouth pieces for their agenda.

Theron may be unaware of how far left she is leaning (making her a moron) or she may indeed believe that the United States is an oppressive empire that stifles freedom. Or it’s possible that she just repeats things she hears like a trained parrot.

Debbie Schlussel has more.

Photojournalist Claims Wide Spread Political Pressure from Editors!

Hot Air is following the the latest fallout from the Reuters Fauxtography scandal, linking to this passionate denunciation of Reuters firing of an overworked, under supported photo editor who’s been made a scapegoat for a broken and corrupt system. The big story however happens in the comments section where D.C. based Photojournalist Aaron J Heiner, admits that his superiors pressure him to convey his stories from set political principles they have laid out for him. The exact quote is as follows:

“This is why I’m so torn in the industry today. On one side, part of me still wants to be out there telling the story without any outside pressure to take a side, while the other part of me just wants to give up because there is so much pressure to take a side and tell a story the follows the political principles established by my EIC. “

For many who still like to cling to the idea of a free and independent press, such an admission will be particularly heart breaking, but even for those of us suspicious that individual journalists may be altering the truth of stories depending on their own political ideology, the knowledge that even independent journalist who want to be objective are forced into propagandizing for the left is disheartening, though I can’t say very surprising. But I am angry about it, even if it is old news.
The question is what can we do?

Aaron Russo’s a Crackpot, and I can Prove It!

Or at least I can point out to rational readers that Russo’s interview with Alex Jones on the very commercial conspiracy peddling website Prison Planet should cast doubt on his credibility. He makes a number of wild claims that conspiracy theorists will no doubt use as”proof” that there is a vast conspiracy that only they and a few others are smart enough to comprehend, unlike we tax paying sheeple. Alex is nice enough to give you a 14 minute clip for free, but if you want to see all 70 minutes you have to sign up.

What you thought Jones does this for free? Out of the goodness of his heart? Even a guy trying to save the world has expenses.

Anyway, here’s the free clip:


If you don’t feel like wasting that much of your life, I’ll sum it up for you. Aaron just happens to be buddies with Nick Rockefeller who’s head of the New World Order. Nick was trying to recruit Aaron, by letting him in on a bunch of secrets that even some members of the N.W.O. aren’t privy to. Among the bombshells is that the womens liberation movement was a plot to break up families and get more women into the work force so they can be taxed, and that there is some discussion of moving Israel to Arizona.

Oh, and 9-11 was an inside job, but that’s a given.

Aaron ultimately tells the N.W.O. to get bent, and the N.W.O. goes on to kill thousands of people in their quest for secrecy and world domination. Aaron isn’t one of them, oddly enough.

Crazy? You be the judge but Russo’s life sounds remarkably similar to a short story I wrote in high school. I only post about it because a tax protester once accused me of being ill-informed about everything because I hadn’t watched Russo’s new movie. After watching this interview, I’m pretty sure I know what its about so I’ll skip it.