Liberal Blogger Demands that he be Funded or Else!

Blogger Stirling Newberry is angry, and he’s demanding that the old left establishment listen up or pay the consequences. Newberry thinks that the left should start supporting the “netroots” for all the hard work they do. And by support he of course means he wants an allowance. He calls it a stipend, I call it welfare for those who still live off their parents.

Newberry’s thesis is that left-wing bloggers are a rising force, and to properly harness their energy the “establishment” needs to start playing ball with them and providing them with the kind of entitlements, er, incentives that the blogger who can’t properly monetize his or her website needs to continue pumping out screed after screed of Marxist rhetoric.

If they don’t, well, Newberry begins his story with an illustrative point on how the “cryto-racist” Conservatives spent decades finding their own way, without support from the right, and then they “purged” the Republicans in a brutal orgy of right on right cannibalism. Heavens, if I was a liberal donor, I’d be anxious to “get on board” with Newberry’s program.

That’s how protection rackets work.

Understand that what Newberry’s saying is “Hey, nice left wing you got here. It’d be a shame if anything were to happen to it”. This is a shakedown, and a thinly veiled threat from a man who wants to be paid to fail. He wants a $1000 a month stipend so he doesn’t have to blend Google ads and deal with a CCbill account. He doesn’t want to compete on a level playing field and work at producing a site that people will pay to see, he wants someone to scratch his back, he won’t stab theirs.

It says something about him, and the netroots movement, that they’d even make such a brazen offer. It says more about people who accept it.

Seditious Racists Applaud David Duke and Inbreeding

The Civic Platform has long been my go to site to keep abreast of what “white Nationalists” (traitors) are up to. It’s like the DailyKos for neo-Nazi’s, except the posters on Civic Platform hate Mexicans, Kos kids stick a Jews only race hate program. As an aside, ideas that show up on sites like Kos or D.U. are often being bandied about on the Platform 6-8 months prior. Make of that what you will.

It was no surprise when I saw their post claiming that America’s most vile traitor David Duke might be the best American ever a post I should add which is just an ad for one of Duke’s books. But I was surprised to see the proud racists admit that their “marry Whites only” policy was, in essence inbreeding. Being fairly backward, however, the author presents inbreeding as a good thing.

If nothing else it does explain their affection for Duke, whose countenance for those of us with an interest in the now debunked but still exceedingly entertaining science of Phrenology, suggest not just defects of the character and intellect, but which hints at the backwoods degeneracy that Lovecraft made a career of describing.

Amusing. But less amusing for the “liberals” of today is a little game I like to play. Here’s three headlines, guess which of the stories is from D.U., Which is from Daily Kos and which is from Civic Platform:

1)Christianity as a Form of Mental Illness

2)The real purpose of U.S. Mid-East Policies

3)Bush and his fellow war criminals want to enslave the world

It was a trick question, they’re all from The Civic Platform. Read them yourself, and tell me you don’t have a sickening feeling that the left and the White Nationalists are starting to converge.

Proof that Democrats are Fascists

Brooklyn based State Senator Carl Kruger is set to introduce a bill making it illegal for New Yorkers to use their cellphones, Ipods and any other “electronic device” while crossing any street. That’s right, Kluger wants you to stop, look both ways and hang up on whomever your talking to when crossing the street and if you don’t you’ll get a $110 fine!

This goes beyond the typical nanny state madness and lands in the realm of Stalinesque absurdity. Newsbusters has more.

IDF Clashing with Lebanese Troops on Border

Atlas Shrugs points us to this breaking development on the Israel Lebanon border. Lebanese forces fired on an IDF position forcing the Israelis to open fire with tank rounds on Lebanese troop positions. This all went down in an area where Hezbollah planted mines on the Israeli side of the border.

The Unifil force is being accused by Israel of allowing Hezbollah to plant the mine, and they have yet to take action in regards to the recent firefight. Israel will not cross the border for now, but in the face of such clear provocations, how long will that last.

Is this the next stage in Hezbollah’s campaign to destabilize Lebanon’s government? Another war with Israel will create chaos in the region that will certainly benefit extremist groups.

Ynet cover this as well.

Gun Control Causes Genocide!

It’s a point that many have made before, that a disarmed populace is literally at the mercy of the government, and in place like Japan in the event of a war with China, at the mercy of regimes who would seek to avenge past wrongs. Rwanda, Cambodia, and South Africa, when a population gives up its ability to resort to force of arms in extreme circumstances (such as the Holocaust) it almost guarantees that at least a segment of that population will go less then gently into that good night.

Now Glenn Harlan Reynolds piles on in this opinion piece at Fox News. It retreads some old ground to be sure, but that doesn’t change the truth of the argument, and it is especially relevant now with a new chorus of corrupt voices within our country calling for prohibition of private firearm ownership, and the ability to defend yourself.