Christina Aguilera: Patriotic Pin-Up

AllahPundit, wrong as usual, thinks Aguilera’s homage to the Andrews Sisters is “skanky”, I think it’s delightful, though my gay friends actually like it more then me. I prefer the Dirrty Christina myself, but you’ve got to give it up for her on this one, it’s a great video (also great link bait):


Finally, something on YouTube besides King Diamond and Cradle of Filth I can actually enjoy.

HuffPo Goes Where Once Only Kos Dared Tread

An important and developing story on the attempted assassination of the Vice President, a story which leads one to believe that our “moderate” allies in the Muslim world may not be as trustworthy as we like to think, and left wing sites explode into a frenzy of disappointment at Cheney’s survival.

I question their patriotism.

UPDATE: Glen Greenwald says “it’s no big deal.”  Ace says Greenwald’s an idiot covering for violent moonbats (I’m Paraphrasing)

I say their both right.

YouTube: The Web’s Top Hate Site

Hot Air’s AllahPundit shares his outrage at finding “JewWatch” founder, and Internet grifter, Frank Weltner’s postings on YouTube to be unflagged and unmolested. Compare this to the plight of Nick Gisburne who’s account was disabled for criticizing Islam, or Michelle Malkin having her videos covertly removed, and the fact that Weltner’s rambling anti-Semitic conspiracy mongering has been left up for the world to see is enough to make any American suspicious.

Despite YouTubes terms of use banning hate speech, a few minutes on YouTube is all it takes to find hours of White Nationalist/Radical Muslim propaganda, none of which has been flagged for content. For example, here’s some anti-American Nazi propaganda:


There’s plenty more where that came from. Enter terms like “88” or “White Pride” and watch as your screen fills with thousands of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-American videos which are unflagged and apparently inoffensive to the YouTube community. AllahPundit has his own theories about how racist videos stay up on YouTube, I’ll add my two cents. A Dhimmified YouTube attracts a lot of Muslims and Islamiphilic radicals, who share a common hatred of Conservatives and Jews. Thus the Malkin ban and the relative tolerance of neo-Nazism.

Also a twist, JewWatch is a link for the Aryan Nations web page (I’m not going to link to them) which before it closed its forums actively recruited for Islam. Weltner has claimed many times that Christianity is “a Jewish religion” and lambasted it’s adherents. He’s not made similar claims about Islam. Is Weltner being protected because he Jew bashing is becoming increasingly acceptable or does he have a connection with the Muslim audience we don’t know about?

Enjoy some of the hate then contact YouTube and tell them what you think:





If Jews control the media, why aren’t they reigning in YouTube? I’m sure Weltner will have an answer for that, if you can stomach him. The real question should be: What do we do about YouTube engaging in blatant social engineering aimed at creating a wave of anti-Semitism?

Update: Hello Nazis! If you’ve come from either the Stormfront or Smokey Mountain Resistance forums, I have newer posts regarding both on my front page. Also check the “un-American Activities” and “Blacklist” sections for post guaranteed to get your “pure” blood boiling! Grab yourself a Pabst Blue Ribbon and stay awhile!

Nashville Jihad: Christians Run Down for Defending Jews

The Nashville cabdriver on trial for the attempted murder of two Ohio men praised Hitler’s attempt to “cleanse the world of these people(Jews)” and became enraged when one of his passengers suggested that if he be tolerant of other faiths and religions. When what is being described as a “religious argument” became heated, the two Ohio men exited the cab only to have the driver run one of them down.

Ibrahim Shiekh Ahmed made several statements supporting the Holocaust before the attack. Police and the news media have been leery of identifying the religion of Ahmed though he is widely believed to be Muslim. He also had a lengthy rap sheet already. Debbie Schlussel has the lowdown on Ahmed and all the indignation the politically correct authorities can’t muster. But that’s why we love her.

Jihad Watch has links to local news video about the story here.

It’s funny, this situation reminded me about a time my wife and I heard screams outside our apartment in the Bronx and upon investigating saw the tail end of an attempted run down of some co-eds. We called the cops and waited with these very drunk kids who said that their driver went nuts when one of them lit a cigarette (or what they told us was a cigarette) and then tried to run them over. The driver was described to me as an Arab, though not in those words.

The fact that radical Muslims are becoming so much more comfortable committing violence both here and abroad shows us that our enemies believe the clash of civilizations is over, and they’ve won. I’d be careful about who’s cab you get in to from now on, because this won’t be the last time we hear about a story like this.

Liberal Democrats Targeted by “Anti-War” Activists

The so called “anti-War” movement, led by an organization that’s founders openly supported the Soviet Union’s wars of aggression and still seek the abolition of private property rights in America, have begun their campaign to take over the Democratic party in earnest. Liberal Democrats who allied themselves with the neo-Marxists on the war and a variety of social issues, are among the first targets as these neo-Bolsheviks seek to purge the Democratic party and take it over for their own seditious purposes.

Kristin Powers has recently noted the attacks on ultra liberal Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher by the far lefts web commissar Kos, and like many Democrats seemed genuinely surprised by what they see as a betrayal by a petty egomaniac who’s popularity on the Internet has given him delusions of grandeur. They don’t see the more sinister connections of the netroots, and the threat to their party the prepresent.
Hot Air has video of another Liberal Democrat, an anti-war Liberal Democrat, being attacked by “peace” activists who demand she be arrested for war crimes. The videos at the bottom, at around 2:14 you’ll see that one of the activists has a toddler with her. A toddler who’s understandably upset as police ask her to leave, and she keeps a death grip on the kids arm so that police can’t physically remove her from the event without hurting the kid. Disgusting, but a tactic that’s strangely familiar.

Led by the anti-American WWP a new Communist movement used the anti-war movement to gain support, wealth and access and is now using all it has gained to attempt to overthrow the Democratic Party and dominate America in preparation of the revolution that older Communists have been unsuccessfully working toward for decades. All Americans should support the fight to keep the Democratic Party free of this radical anti-Americanism regardless of how we feel about the Democratic platform.