Jimmy Carter’s A Jew Hating Commie II: Furor From Georgia

AllahPundit thinks people are making too much of this, but with David Duke supporting Cindy Sheehan and the the trend toward a more “nuanced” approach toward the Arab-Israeli conflict on the left the myth of inter Marxist animosity, especially between “The New Left” and National Socialists, is crumbling faster then support for Bush among Libertarians.

Carter going to bat for a war criminal could, just as Allah says, be nothing more then dopey “liberal” underdog worship, but just because Carter’s feet are firmly planted in the New Left doesn’t mean he’s not part of the Old South, a good ‘ol boy in the worst sense of the word. Read the article and judge for yourself.

Return of the Queen

Dreamy Conservative Demi-Goddess Michelle Malkin has returned from her embed in Iraq, much to the chagrin of the Neo-Communists trolls who’ve been secretly (and not so secretly) wishing death on her for having the temerity to challenge their notions of all righty bloggers being “chikenhawks” and armchair journalists.

As usual, her pieces are must reads for anyone who wants intelligent analysis of the current state of the war on terror. Her assessment of Iraq is one of the best I’ve ever read. Hot Air also has a video version which is easier on the eyes for fans of the Malkster, and of course everyone who is anyone has piled onto this story. Though none pay the proper respect to the Queen of the Right Side of the Blogosphere if you ask me. Though they get blogrolled (sigh)

Anyway, we hardcore Malkinites are glad she’s back safe, and will be gracing us with her wit, wisdom and charm once again.

I’m a fan by the way.

Government Still Can’t Indentify “The Smell”

Environmental officials from New Jersey and New York have given up on finding the source of the mysterious smell that closed offices in Manhattan and sent a woman to the hospital in Jersey City. A search of more than 140 suspected site in the Garden State have yielded no clues to the source of the smell, and it’s being reported that investigations in New cork have also been fruitless.

The Post reports that an official stated that unless the smell returns, the investigation will be closed and classified unresolved.

The Worst kept Secret in the World: Mosques in England Brimming Over with Radicalism

Three days later, I am officially the last person on this dog pile, but I’m jumping in anyway because it illustrates the dangers we face if we turn a blind eye to the obvious in an attempt to appease our own sense of studied sophistication. Islam may not be our enemy, but Wahabism is and unfortunetly a great many mosques subscribe to the hateful teachings this vile cult which stifles disnet from Muslims and seeks to destroy the way of life most of us enjoy.

Remember these images when the push to make Islam, extreme or not, a protected class in America starts to gain momentum. The clash of civilizations can only be won when we realize the nature of our enemy, and what he wants:



Cuban Health Care Killing Castro!

Viva la Revolution! Castro’s death, at the hands of his own “universal health care” system, should make a nice bludgeon to use on the neo-Socialists in congress who want to turn our health care system into a third world fiasco. I’ve tried hard not to laugh at this story, but it’s just too delicious. I wonder how the Castro worshiping dictator groupies in Code Pink will explain the death of their hero at the hands of … their hero.
Thanks to Hot Air for the tip.