Free Speech Under Fire

As Matt over at Blogs for Bush says: “Something seriously uncool is happening here.

Bloggers with an opinion on politics aren’t the only people that need to worry about new laws being passed by under fire politicians. The Stalinesque “fairness doctrine” is being pushed by neo-Communists like Kucinich which will literally gut talk radio, and force every television or radio station to go through unreasonable contortions to meet the standards of “fairness”. Imagine having to put an opposing viewpoint on to counter every on air statement made by this or that talking head. Trump would have to have a seat on the View set, and John Walsh would be forced to co-host his specials with a member of NAMBLA.

These bills are an attempt by two out of control parties to keep Americans from participating in the Democratic system and should not stand. Visit to see what you can do to help.

Bernie Sanders and the Soros Conspiracy Fest

Bernie Sanders, who’s official site is down at the moment or I’d link to it, was a head liner at a Soros funded “media conference” that included members of the the Revolutionary Communist party, a violent Marxist cult center around the worship of a Maoist named Bob Avakian. It also featured 911 “truthers”, Blaspheming of MLK’s memory by peddling a conspiracy theory about his death, and worse of all a promise by several Democratic politicians to dismantle the current “corporate” media.

Cliff Kincaid of A.I.M. has the whole sorry story.

The Democratic Party has Stopped Watching the Jihad

Robert Spencer at Hot Air tells you why that last episode of 24 won’t just be, like some people suggests, fear mongering propaganda if the Dems get their way. Pandering to a vocal base is nothing new, but our security is at risk if we stop actively denying the Jihad. The 910 Group should be required reading for all Americans before contemplating support for the Democrats new Jihad friendly agenda.

But unlike other critics of the left, I will say that it isn’t incompetence that drives these sorts of policies, it’s desire. The left wants to fight it’s “real enemy”, which it sees as Conservatives, American Patriotism and Capitalism. And by fight I mean argue, debate and legislate against. What the left doesn’t want is total war, 20-30 years of constant conflict with an enemy who will force traditional non-combatants, both theirs and ours, into combat. The left doesn’t want to fight an insurgency in the cities, or fight fellow Americans who betray the Nation for their violent ideology. But most of all they don’t want to stand with the hated “Right” against a group of people who they like to think of as helpless, even though the evidence that our vision of Muslims as peaceful primitives in need of our enlightened guidance is wrong.

The left doesn’t want there to be a Jihad, and until it strikes again they’ll operate as if there isn’t one.

China Test Anti-Satellite Missile and American Resolve

The Rumsfeld model of the new military focusing on agility and dealing with asymmetrical threats with minimum casualties, is woefully inadequate for a war with a rising superpower who’s military out mans, out guns and can now out perform our troops by eliminating much of our high tech advantage. China’s seemingly successful test of an Anti-Satellite Missile system means the Communist Government has an effective tool to circumvent our own Missle defense systems which rely in part on Satellites to track incoming I.C.B.M.s.

This could have dire implications for the U.S. Military, which has it’s hands full with Jihadist, Iranian proxy warfare and a growing threat in Latin America. China’s presumed reunification through force with Taiwan has thus far not materialized due in large part to America’s missile defense system making the threat of all out war from China less then credible. If the Chinese military thinkers believe that they can credibly threaten the Western Seaboard with nuclear annihilation, they may begin an aggressive military campaign in the Asian world that would inevitably draw the U.S. in when our allies, Japan and Taiwan, are threatened.