Liberal Crank Beats Wife, Lefties Strangely Silent

Talentless sports caster and part time HuffPo contributer Jim Lampley, 57, was arrested earlier this month for violating the restraining order his 28 year old girlfriend had against him following a domestic violence complaint. According to AlaskaReport, police were conducting a follow up interview with the victim when Lampley wandered in to the residence. I guess the term restraining order means something different to celebrities then it does the rest of us.

GatewayPundit covered the story, including the fact that HBO will continue to let this degenerate work, but the blogworld is otherwise sparse in it’s coverage, especially the left side of it. HuffPo hasn’t mentioned it, D.U is otherwise occupied, and fellow HuffPo contributer Alec Baldwin is more concerned about Valerie Plame’s “outing” then the actual crime of beating the hell out of a woman, but then we already knew where his heart lies in that respect.

Latino Street Gangs Targeting Blacks in L.A. Pogrom

Influenced by the policies, and racism, of the Mexican Mafia, Latino gangs from the brutal inner cities of Los Angeles have been engaged in an ethnic cleansing of once predominantly Black neighborhoods. Smaller Latino gangs, like the Avenues often follow the edicts of the Mexican Mafia, a prison gang considered the “big leagues” for aspiring gangsters, and due to both a long standing animosity with the Black Guerrilla Family, and perhaps a friendly relationship with the Aryan Brotherhood, the Mexican Mafia has turned into a virulently racist organization.

That racism has trickled down into smaller gangs that owe fealty to it.

A little spoken of consequence of our massive illegal immigration problem is the terrorizing of our Black communities by racist thugs, many of whom crossed the border illegally and go on to commit crimes on American soil. All too often the victims of these crimes are Black

Often those on the right who want secure borders are called racists, but it is the White, middle-class “liberals” who turn a blind eye to the hell they’ve unleashed on African Americans in their mad rush toward “solidarity” with their Marxist allies. It is African-Americans who are paying the price for the armchair radicals vainglorious fight against border security, and who will continue to pay the price, in blood, until we control our southern border. In my mind, that makes the open border lobby the racists.

h/t Dissecting Leftism

A Sad Day for Venezuela and American Security

The Devil’s Excrement has long been one of my go to blogs when keeping tabs on all things Chavez related, and their recent post, “A sad day for Venezuelan democracy or what was left of it” put into sharp perspective how dangerous Hugo Chavez is, and will become, to American interests.

In essence, Venezuela’s National Assembly has just granted Chavez 18 months of dictatorial power, the unchecked ability to make any law he wants without having to present it for debate. Just days after Chavez met with Iranian President Ahmadinejad to form an alliance dedicated to attacking American interests, and in a country which is already a stronghold for Iranian proxy Army Hezbollah, Chavez’s seizure of power should put Americans on high alert.

Publis Pundit has more on this story, and of course T.D.E. has another post showing just how benevolent the new Socialism is in Venezuela.