Iran Brings Us Closer to World War

Just a day after Iranian President Ahmadinejad promised Syrian officials that the United States would soon be destroyed new reports are claiming that the Iranians are being helped with their nuclear program by North Korea. Seeking advice from North Korea clearly indicates that Iran is not interested in generating electricity but acquiring weapons with which to threaten the region, and U.S forces deployed in the middle East.

Iran has a troubling recent history of attacking European interest as well, and is continuing to test it’s somewhat over hyped missile program in a belligerent display that could embolden their new allies, who’s military ambitions have been sidelined by China’s lack of support for a North Korea ignited WWIII. The North Koreans may see Iran, who have a good relationship with both China and Russia, as just the type of ally they need to jump into military misadventure with both jack booted feet. They’ve ramped up the anti-Japanese/anti-American rhetoric in recent weeks, maybe they’ve got a reason to feel confident?

A.C.L.U. Does the Right Thing!

For once. According to to some knowledgeable Jawas the A.C.L.U. is taking time out from undermining American values to sue a Kuwaiti couple who kept three Indian women as slaves while the husband was attached to the Kuwaiti embassy in the nations capital. The women were freed when one of the women, after a particularly vicious beating, approached 62 year old Hector Rodriguez and asked him if he was a Christian. She correctly in this case assumed a Christian would help her.

In many cases however Americans, Christian or not, don’t offer help to the slaves who are secreted away in this country, often victims of cultural practices like Islamic slavery that our liberal sensibilities make us turn a blind eye toward, lest we seem “intolerant.” Groups like the American Anti-Slavery Group work hard to bring attention to the plight of the hundreds of thousands of victims kept in inhuman bondage, many in our own country, but they face an uphill battle. Support them in their fight to free the most helpless among us.

Hezbollah Attempting to Overthrow Lebanese Government


Many media reports are following the lead of Hezbollah patsy Al-Manar T.V. and calling the chaos a protest by “opposition groups”, and not a Hezbollah planned and led attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of Lebanon in concert with radical groups willing to sell out the Lebanese people to a Jihadist.

The “protest” has led to wide spread rioting and street fighting among Hezbollah supporters and Citizens outraged by the rioters planned shut down of roads and tunnels. The insurgents were well armed and well supplied, having access to bulldozers and truck loads of tires to erect barricades, and there were reports of female Hezbollah members in vans driving around arming protesters with rocks and other weapons. A blow by blow report of the violence can be viewed at From Beirut to the Beltway.

Gateway Pundit has a good round-up of the coverage. The new U.N. head is “concerned” about the situation in Lebanon, but in true U.N. fashion issued a luke warm plea that all sides return to the democratic process. Hezbollah meanwhile continues an effective propaganda campaign backed by violence. Their fund raising efforts have picked up, and one of their alleged affiliates is kind enough to provide phone numbers and contact info for those who want to donate to both the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon and the Al-Shahid foundation, which pays the families of suicide bombers, and according to some recruits those bombers and arms them.

The real question should be, with the assumed Iranian/Hezbollah connection, is this a ploy by Iran to create a more chaotic atmosphere to screen their larger agenda?

Faith and Begorra! David Duke Claims The Irish Are Killing G.I.’s in Iraq

Or at least he’s repeating the claims of lefty rag The Independent who are using the I.R.A. angle to refute American reports of Iraqi insurgents being aided by Iranian Revolutionary Guard. I guess that whole “white brotherhood” thing goes out the window when your a Jew hating traitor who needs a patsy to try to cover for your new B.F.F., who’s Revolutionary Guard are attacking our troops.

Of course, the story is based on shaky logic anyway. The reporters from The Independent claim that Insurgent I.E.D.’s are detonated using the same technique used by the I.R.A., so it must be those sneaky Irish helping the insurgency, not the poor misunderstood Iranians. The underlying assumption to this bizarre leap in logic being that there’s no possible way I.R.A. bomb making instructions could be disseminated to anyone searching for bomb making info on, say, the Internet.

Besides, Muslims are peaceful people and the Irish love fighting and blowing things up. At least that’s what the Brits at The Independent say. In private. They also like having a handy minority around to pin things on when a conspiracy involving Jews or Blacks just won’t do.

I guess I won’t be seeing them, or Duke, at the next St. Paddy Day parade.

Al-Jazeera Uses 9/11 “Truthers” To Spread Anti-Semitic Propaganda

Courtesy of 9/11 Conspiracy Smasher comes this story on the Al-Jazeera website purporting to prove Jews control America. The evidence? A rambling letter by Randy (no last name) which was sent in making several assertions familiar to those who’ve had the misfortune of having to listen to some unemployed pot smoker wax political. Among the gems:

“I have long suspected Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks, as they are the main beneficiary of our war of terror.”

What those benefits are Randy doesn’t get into. Maybe they own Haliburton.

We all know that Israel controls the U.S. congress, threatens its neighbors with pre-emptive nuclear strikes, and defies every UN resolution directed towards itself.

Emphasis mine. Jews secretly control our government, classic David Duke and now a mainstay of far left theory. Also notice how Iran’s threat to wipe Israel off the map isn’t mentioned. But as far as I’m concerned, here’s the money quote speaking of why the Jews are so confident as to conspire against us:

Do they feel confident that the U.S. would never strike back against a territory so biblically significant as Israel, the birthplace of our beloved Jesus, whom they themselves are guilty of murdering?

Check and mate. Truthers and the assorted rabble who support terrorist over the “imperialism” of America and Israel like to pretend they don’t hate Jews per se, but only grind their ax against Israel, but the truth always comes out of these people. He goes on to prove why anti-antisemitism must be fought against tooth and nail in this country:

I wish my country would take the same approach Russia took with the ‘Oligarchs’ who were trying to plunder his country’s natural resources with shady business deals to make themselves rich.

Nice. Randy, Al-Jazeera supporter, truth seeker, planner of the next pogrom. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the new left.

Here’s some more “Truth” for you. Alex Jones, a conspiracy mongering con artist I refuse to link to, hassles soldiers who are on the streets, patrolling a sporting event in NYC:


Just in case you thought they loved America enough to question. They hate America, and fantasize about an end to it, one group at a time. For folks like Randy, it’s Jews first.