The French Have Plenty of Fight In Them (if you’re a Jew)

French peace keepers in Lebanon are claiming that they were “two seconds” away from firing anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli recon flights that they felt were too close to the French positions. It is also believed they were a mere three seconds away from death.

On the record French officials have stated they believe the Israeli reconnaissance flights are designed to “provoke” Hezbollah.

It should be noted Hezbollah has its hands full at the moment.

The French are taking a hard line with Israel, likely at the behest of their new leaders who control a number of areas in the often occupied nation. I’m sure that the French leadership thinks they can win over their “youth” by helping them fight their common enemies, the Jews. Vichy France lives.

h/t Jawa Report

Red China Waves the White Flag!

Debbie Schlussel reports on a Wall Street Journal article sure to shock those of us familiar with Communist China’s policies toward religious groups who may pose a threat to their total control over society. After almost a decade of brutal government crackdowns on the Falun Gong and the emerging Christian community, the ruling party has made a rare concession to Islam and forbidden television stations to show images of pigs.

Even though they will be celebrating the Year of the Pig next month.

The Party has decided that they don’t want to offend Muslim sensibilities.

There are 20 million Muslims in red China compared to the 70 million Falun Gong practitioners.

What could the Communists possibly be afraid of?

Why I don’t Support Ed Brown and You Shouldn’t Either

I’m a little “l” Libertarian, mainly because I believe that the country needs a strong Reagan style foreign policy to protect us while we indulge in our Libertarian debaucheries. I have a place in my heart for anti-establishment rebels who believe in liberty over law, freedom over formality. That being said, I don’t have a place in my heart for suicidal “tax protester” and the newest hero of the Alex Jones set, Ed Brown.

Brown is now barricaded in his home, refusing to come out until the Government bows to his demands that he not have to pay the back taxes he owes, since he and his wife hadn’t paid taxes for more then a decade. The wife Elaine Brown made most of the money, and admitted that she “did some research” to conclude that paying taxes was unconstitutional.

In other words, like Wesley Snipes, she got suckered. Now the U.S. Marshals are going to take her house to pay the back taxes.

Elaine went to court, presented her case, and now resides in Massachusetts with her son. Ed however, has stayed in his New Hampshire home and called for support from other kooks, telling them they should come to his house armed and help him shoot it out with the feds. That, however, isn’t where he lost me, although anyone seeking to overthrow my government is my enemy.

No, Ed lost me before that, as all his ilk do, with their conspiracy mongering about “Zionists,” their unseemly desire for martyrdom, their links with the unsavory “patriot” movement which seems to be comprised of neo-Nazi’s, abductees, and the assorted tin foil enthusiasts who are the unfortunate fringe of Libertarianism. Make no mistake, Ed Brown has claimed, in this interview posted on GunShowOnThe Net, that taxes are part of the larger conspiracy by “Zionists,” that the U.S. government is responsible for 9/11, and that the only way to “glory” is through dying by his side in defense of his property.

And there are plenty of folks drinking his kool-aid. Like the guy who conducted the above interview Kenneth Hensley, whose website is dedicated to raising funds to buy a bus ticket there so he can fight the feds with his new hero. Ken’s not alone – the N.W.O. nuts who were all over the Internet in the 90’s are converging on Brown’s house with guns to fight our government.

It should be noted that officials haven’t yet threatened him, they haven’t done anything outside their jobs. The Browns dodged their taxes and got caught. Now they owe back taxes. They can’t pay, and thus will have their house auctioned off. They got suckered into thinking they could use a convoluted argument avoid taxes, and it turned out they were wrong.

Now that the law’s caught up with him, Ed wants as many people as possible to come and die a glorious death in his burning house, which he hopes the feds will set alight Waco style. This isn’t patriotism, it isn’t even paranoia. This is insanity. And supporting him will feed into it.

Ed Brown isn’t a hero, he’s a crank, a man who refuses to take any responsibility for his own actions and worse, wants others to pay the ultimate price so that he can continue to avoid being held responsible.

If people die in New Hampshire in the coming weeks, the responsibility will lay not at the feet of the civil servants doing their jobs, but at the doorstep of a conspiracy theorist, and the loathesome Internet rabble who support him.

“Jewish Lobby” Target of Complaint to D.O.J. by Radical Muslim

Anisa abd el Fattah filled a complaint with the Department of Justice alleging that “the Jewish Lobby” was deliberately undermining America by infringing upon the free speech of Arabs, Muslims, white nationalists ….

Volokh Conspiracy has tore into this story with all four canines, but what caught my eye was a statement by Ms. Fattah’s organization on free speech, which claims that being called an anti-Semite when praising Hitler or calling for Israel to be wiped out constitutes having your free speech rights taken away. She goes on to accuse this shadowy coven of Jews, veritable synagogs of Satan, of secretly running the country and oppressing Whites and Arabs. She sounds just like this guy, Holocaust denier and member of the seditious Institute for Historical Review Mark Weber. And by sounds like I’m sure much of her thesis is stolen from Weber and his kin.

His essay, reposted at Internet/radio Kook Jeff Rinse’s website, is the first hit on Google for the term Jewish Lobby. It’s no wonder bizarre anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are becoming more acceptable, you seem to find them everywhere, and in the most unlikely of places.

The best part of her statement on free speech:

“Certain interpretations of the Jewish faith calls for limiting the Constitutional rights of non-Jews, and the establishment of special rights, laws and protections for Jews, and their special interests. We believe that this behavior is criminal, and unconstitutional and that it must be stopped.”

I wasn’t aware of the Constitutional branch of Judaism, and I have a degree in Religion, but notice that there are insane assumptions of Jewish power presented as truth in this argument. What if there was a branch of Jews who wanted a separate constitution and to deprive all non-Jews of Constitutional protection. How would they differ from say, white nationalists, or Radical Muslims?

Ms. Fattah’s answer would be that “Jews have all the money” and “they secretly control the world”, which they clearly don’t, or despite her opinion to the contrary they’d have shut her and Weber and every other Jew hater up a long time ago. The point is that even if her primary thesis about Jews were true, and understand that her thesis is that Jews are racist, untrustworthy traitors seeking to stifle all debate they don’t like, her complaint relies on the paranoid belief that these racist Jews are uniquely able to get everything they want accomplished, no doubt with the aid of their friends the Illuminati, by subverting the United States.

This is a conspiracy theory, no different then the N.W.O. nonsense peddled by Alex Jones or the Satanic Ritual Abuse stories. Ms. Fattah is attempting to use our court system to lend veracity to one of the oldest, and most tired, anti-Semitic myths. It is shocking to see this sort of ignorance in modern America, more shocking still is this woman carry water for white supremacists groups. Shocking but unfortunately not surprising, not surprising in the least.

Here’s some more wisdom form Ms. Fattah for you to chew on. It’s meaty, no?

China to Set New Restrictions on Web Use

President Hu’s not happy with all the porn surfing and Halo2 being indulged in by 26 million worker’s who are supposed to be toiling away in state run dangerous mining operations for the greater good. Add to that the semi-free flow of information in China which can lead citizens to get funny ideas about free speech and inquiry, which local officials have to deal with harshly, and you’ve got a situation where the dictatorship of the proletariat has to step in.

Communist party officials are meeting to discuss how to “civilize” the Internet. Which means I assume that now my other blog will also be banned from China.