Apocalypse Soon II: Spring Time Mahdi Madness!

Jihad Watch is reporting on the scary end of days rhetoric being spread about by Iran’s official media wing. The Mahdi is coming, and the Iranians are gearing up to fight his holy war against the rest of us this coming spring. Read the madness for yourself, and see why a Nuclear Iran scares the world. The combination of religious fanaticism, anti-capitalist, anti-industrialism and utopianism will appeal not just to Shi’ite Muslims but to the Islam supporting Communists who see to edge closer and closer everyday to converting. I suspect more then one D.U. poster will be quoting the prophets of the Mahdi in the future.

How is Iran preparing for the coming of the Mahdi? Besides building up a doomsday arsenal, the Iranians are getting rid of those pesky Jews by paying Palestinians bounties for every Jew they kill or injure in rocket attacks. If this is pre-Mahdi Jihad, I imagine once the big M shows up all bets are off.