Armed Gunmen Attack National Guard Post in Arizona!

A four man National Guard observation team was forced to flee their post when a group of heavily armed illegals stormed their position, coming within yards of the check point located between Nogales and Lukeville.

The Guardsmen retreated from the encounter and called for border patrol back up, following the standard operating procedure laid out by state officials. The armed group then disappeared into the desert fueling fears that they may still be in the United States.

The Guardsmen’s retreat policy was an attempt by government officials to protect the troops from harm, and was implemented in response to the 250 Border Patrol agents who have been the victims of violent assaults between June ’05 and June ’06. Several agents assaulted died of their injuries and minimizing casualties at the border is seen as an important factor in public support for the tough security measures, like posting troops on the border, Arizona has taken.

The attack comes just months after a Texas Representative Michael McCaul issued a statement concerning the threat of Islamic terrorists infiltrating the border with the help of Communist sympathizers in Latin America. Additionally, Hezbollah is active in Latin America, fueling concerns that armed incursions by terrorists on the southern border may increase, making the American southwest look like the Israeli/Lebanon border.

With Hugo Chavez increasingly flexing his military muscle, and long suspected of supporting Hezbollah in Venezuela, and Iran, Hezbollah’s main source of financial and military backing, angry at U.N. sanctions being leveled against it, this incident could be part of a wider conflict poised to envelope our south western states.

Churchill Support Website Claims Solidarity … With Anti-Semites

While perusing Drunkablogs latest post on the C.U. campus madness staring Ward Churchill, and co-staring Churchill groupie/racist Ben Whitmer I was directed to the Ward Churchill Solidarity Network Website, were I came across a screed from Rina Abdelkader reprinted from the Anti-American Anti-Israel Pro-Terrorist “News and commentary” website Arabisto.

Arabisto is written by a collection of Islamic Imperialist, Neo-Marxists and “Anti-Zionists” (People who want to destroy Israel including the Jews and Arabs living within. In the old days we called them Nazis) so the site is virtually overflowing with the usual drivel. Mock indignation for how a brutal Fascist was treated? Check. Condemning America for being smutty, racist and “making” the Islamic world hate us? Check. Justification of suicide bombings? Check and mate. The point being that despite their attempts to claim moderation, they’re a group you’d not want as your neighbor. Especially if your a Jew.

But the most interesting part of Rina’s rant is this gem of a quote which sums up what everyone who makes a living in Academia believes the world should look like:

“…academic freedom stipulates that scholars, not elected officials, private interests, or media pundits, are the ones authorized and entitled to make collective decisions about academic knowledge, and about what may or may not be published and professed.”

Sorry Rina, but that isn’t what “academic freedom” means at all. What your describing is academic Stalinism, a system of knowledge control where certain people, professional students and college faculty, would be given absolute authority over deciding for the rest of the society what would be “true”. This to yourself and no doubt the Ward Churchill’s of the world, who make their living selling their “truth” to those too lazy to seek it out for themselves, seems an appealing prospect. To my thinking, it’s a horrible perversion of what the university system is supposed to teach.

Under Rina’s theory of “academic freedom”, college professors could write volumes of books alleging that the “colonial Zionist power” commit all sorts of atrocities and would be immune to being questioned as to the veracity of their claims. If academics make the “collective decision” that Israel’s very existence is illegitimate, they shouldn’t have to be bothered with those pesky “outside interests” whose view differs from theirs. By outside interest we mean people born in Israel for example. If Rina and Ward and a bunch other academics decided it was absolutely true that Jews make Matzos out of Palistinaian blood, those darn outside interests shouldn’t be able to keep them from spreading their “truth”, just because the outside interests are, you know, right.

It isn’t hard to figure out why Churchill supporters, desperate to save their hero from his own shoddy scholarship and penchant for the Marxification of facts to propagandize for his fever dreams of revolution, should love Rina Abdelkader’s intellectual hand job of academia. Her piece is so drenched in academy worship, so wet with lusty infatuation with the “truth keepers”, that the vanity and arrogance of a man like Ward Churchill would practically force him to disseminate the essay, if only to prove to himself there are still people out there willing to worship him and his titanic sense of self importance.

And like Churchill itself, the piece is boiling over with Anti-American/Anti-Jewish sentiment. That Jewish groups would speak out against the vilification of of Jews through the medium of Anti-Zionism becomes an attempt by “them” to stifle fee inquiry, with the aid of the evil government of course. That a debate by two sides is free inquiry never enters the mind of these supposed seekers of truth. That the obviously politically motivated attacks on a country or a policy be questioned becomes an exercise in Fascism, and to point out an outright fraud perpetrated on others is to be labeled an agent of the shadowy forces that until recently were only perceived by the most unstable of conspiracy theorists.

Academic freedom is a code for the sense of entitlement people like Churchill, and Rina Abdelkader, have that makes them feel as if they should be immune to not just criticism, but to being questioned at all. The freedom they want is to lie, to spread the old blood libels that went out of fashion with lynchings and Klan meetings, to dictate what the rest of the country, and the world, think and believe. Academic freedom for them is a code for the new intellectual theocracy that would reward their pettiness, bigotry and ugliness with unquestioning fealty and belief from the masses of people they feel so superior to.

The freedom they want is to sit in their hallowed hallsand plan out a final solution for Israel. And us.

Harry Reid Betrays American Allies in South America!

Well, that didn’t take long. Western Hemisphere Policy Watch pointed out this report from Ecrisis on Harry Reid’s very public alliance with Neo Communist dictatorships in Latin America, and his gift to them, abandoning Pro-Democracy Andean allies to the vicious fate that awaits them at the hands of the blood thirsty revolutionaries. With the help of their allies in the Democratic party, Communist dictators like Hugo Chavez, Evo morales and Rafael Correa can pursue their dream of forming a Soviet Union right on America’s doorstep.

Muslims Ring in the New Year with Pogrom against Christians, Jessie Macbeth Starts it in Jail

WND posted a heart wrenching story about the plight of Christians in a Nazareth under domination by the religion of peace. Modern day “winter soldier” and peace activist Jessie Macbeth is sitting in jail for breaking the terms of a restraining order and assault. Hamas loving High School terrorist recruiter, and peace activist Ron Harris has gotten the go head to wheel his anti-Semite carnival through the Andover school system largely thanks to support from the A.C.L.U.’s peaceful activists.
A U.F.O. was apparently spotted over O’Hare but left before their intentions could be discerned. Maybe they’ll be more peaceful then those supposedly dedicated to peace on earth now.