Deb Frisch On The Lam

I’m surprised more rabid lefty’s haven’t Frisched away their careers in a glorious flame out of vulgarity, insanity and smugness that leads one to cross the line from angry punditry to criminality. Michelle Malkin has the whole story, with great links. Gateway Pundit has good history for those of us who learned about this story second (or third) hand.

A little research will yield a lot of information, but the most important aspect of this story is Frisch herself is now a fugitive. Anyone who knows of her whereabouts needs to call the police immediately, before this dangerous sociopath makes her Thelma and Louise style last stand.

Race War NYC

Because I split my time between Connecticut and NYC (Bronx, baby) I’ve been following the developments in the Sean Bell case closely. When I learned that the police involved in the shooting were a diverse rainbow of law enforcement, including Black and Latino officers, I dared to hope that the powder keg of racial tension that lays beneath New York would not explode into violence. However, those more powerful than me hope for a different outcome, and the attacks on the Black and Latino officers are more vicious than if they were white.

The usual suspects began stirring the cauldron of racial hatred early, even enlisting a high school social studies teacher to propagandize to her students and try to get them to “resist the police occupation” of inner cities. Charles Barron called for violence more than once in the following days, though he’s been careful to couch his rhetoric in euphemism and allow more radical elements to do the heavy lifting. Suitably Flip covered the anti-NYPD rally yesterday, and posted the disturbing video on YouTube. His thinly veiled call for an intifada against the police ala France starts just before the 2:00 mark.


NYC Indymedia has their as usual inane coverage which devolves into several anti-semitic hate rants and an asinine argument that the “New” Black Panther Party is more racist then the old B.P.P. To get an idea of how radical groups interact in NYC there is no better text to read.

To be honest, the commies are right about the new Black panthers, as you can clearly see from their statement of 9 Local Objectives on their website. Notice how they put the word Jew in quotations – that’s the chic new anti-semitism that’s getting big in NY. The Southern Poverty Law Center thinks they’re basically an all Black Ku Klux Klan, but it is only fair to point out that much of the criticism of the B.P.P comes from those who are competing with them for support from the Black community.

I’ve been told the anti-cop rally was put together by the Black Men’s Movement, which I can’t find much info on, but I think sprang forth form the Black Men’s Movement Against Crack, which despite its seemingly benign name was just another communist front group that sprang up in the 80s. Under their full name, Azania Black Men’s Movement Against Crack NY are listed as part of the World Wide African Anti-Zionist Front for example, a Jew hating conspiracy mongering hate cult that serves as an umbrella organization for Black Nationalists.

The rally has plenty of Communist support despite the racist nature of the groups involved. The predominantly white radicals must feel as if their Party card would act as a shield against the violence that people like Barron are trying to create.

New York is an odd place, especially if you compare it to other areas nearby. NYC has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, certainly stricter then Connecticut, yet is plagued by an endless wave of firearms-related crime. It is the most ethnically diverse city in the Northeast, yet is the most segregated. And when tragedy strikes, there is always a group of people willing to make things worse.

Perhaps emboldened by the successful occupation of parts of France by inner city youth, anti-American groups are hoping to replicate the European intifada, and begin dismantling our country one city at a time.

“…this is the era of Islam and the Jihad”

The fallout from the Baker report has already begun, with Islamist claiming victory over American forces, and preparing to open new fronts in their war on Western Civilization. Islamic Jihad plans on moving its forces into Palestine to destroy Israel, while WMD is reporting that Hamas leader Abu Abdullah believes that the next front will be on U.S. Soil.

“America must understand that with anti-American governments in Latin America and with Islam growing and reinforcing, including in the U.S. itself, the next step would be a total defeat on their (American) land, not a relative one like they are facing in Iraq,” he said.

An invasion in other words, that will be the price of our defeat in Iraq. Islamists are gearing up for more conflict while Americans live in a fantasy world where “disengagement” from Iraq means a return to normalcy, an end to the war. But the war will not end, until the Islamist have converted the world by the sword or until they are all dead, and the Baker report is proof that America doesn’t have the will to accomplish the second, but we have more than enough citizens willing to accept the first.

Terrorist Funding, Google And Free Internet Radio

Search Engine Journal ran a story on how Google revenue programs are funding terrorists and endangering America. The point of the story is that Google turning a blind eye to click fraud encourages terrorists to exploit Adsense to fund their efforts. It’s an interesting story, if a dry read, but what struck me the most about this story was this quote:

Furthermore, Jim Hedger of Webmaster Radio has spoken with a contact who was behind the lines in Fallujah working with the Iraqi insurgency, who was setting up blog networks which serve Google AdSense advertisements, and incentivize their readers to click on the ads.

Not only, however, are users clicking on the ads, but these insurgent based networks are using clickbots, automated programs which click on Google advertisements, to click on these advertisements.

Why does Jim from Webmaster Radio have contacts inside the Iraqi insurgency? Why aren’t these “contacts” being named and turned over to the government?

Why do these webmasters, who themselves collect revenue, blame Google for what is essentially something the company can never really control, namely what people do with the money they make on the Internet?

Admittedly, I’m biased, as I make a pretty penny from Adsense on other blogs I own, but methinks I smell a hit piece.

It’ll be interesting to see where this story goes.

Iran’s Economic First Strike

Before all out conflict with the U.S. Iran’s planning to weaken our country, and our resolve, through destabilizing our economy. Better minds than mine explain it all.

Iran’s President also has demanded that the West Convert or Die.

Yet James Baker believes we can open dialog with Iran to help up solve our “Iraq problem”, all the while ignoring the obvious. Iran wants to go to war with us and they’ll use their proxies, or our reliance on oil, to pull us into a conflict that most of the world thinks we cannot win. Once we follow the I.S.G.’s suggestions, we’ll be seen as a country too terrified of bloodshed to engage in war and Iran will use our defeat to encourage allies to attack us, all the while trying to goad us into war.

They’ll devalue the dollar, send Hizbollah in Lebanon weapons and support to overthrow the government, attack Israel and maybe Europe. And when we finally, as a country, gain the will to fight our enemies it’ll be too late, our economy too wrecked, to do anything but die on the swords of our Iranian conquerers.