Jihadist Chicken Or the Egg Of Palestine?

Which comes first Islamic violence or the “oppression” of Muslims? It’s an important question to answer because it informs how you believe the problem of Jihadism can be addressed. I you think suicide bombs are detonated because of an essential unfairness in how Muslim countries are treated, and world wide oppression of Muslims causes terrorism, then the solution to Jihad is simpler changing policies and handing out international welfare checks. If, however, Muslims are in the positions they’re in because they’ve proved themselves time and again to be violent expansionists who alienate the good will of others, then the solution to the Jihad is even simpler, but more distasteful.

Cold Fury posits the question and links to an insightful article by David Frum which takes the latter position in light of the widely held belief that the Israeli-Palestine conflict plays a part in the Iraqi war.

Until we accept that all of the hatred from the Islamic world for Western Civilization predates any occupation or oppression, that it is if fact based on Islam’s imperialist view of the world and it’s own bigotry and intolerance, we’ll never defeat the Jihad.

WorldNetDaily “Confirms” Hamas/Democrat collusion!

Via AllahPundit who cast some doubts on the credibility of the story early on, and he makes a good point. WND’s story, if true relies on word of terrorist who have a vested interest in propagandizing and milking the American elections for all their worth. Discrediting Bush, and thus America by claiming that Democrats are now Hamas allies plays well with Jihadists who view Americans as weak willed neo-Frenchmen who will crawl on hands and knees to beg forgiveness from their Muslim overlords.

On the other hand, the Democrat victory was widely celebrated by our enemies, maybe because they know something about the Dems we don’t…

David Duke Betrays America…Again!

David Duke has traveled to Iran to participate in a holocaust denial conference hosted by a regime that seeks to destroy our way of life. While he tries to explain away his visit as a free speech exercise, the truth is that he’s run to Iran to sell his theories to a more receptive, and higher paying, audience. White Supremests such as Duke gaze longingly at repressive totalitarian regimes like Iran and dream of a day they could rape a woman and not go to jail unless four men come forward to corroborate the womans story. People like Duke dream of the public hangings, stonings and various atrocities that the barbarians who control most of the Middle East regularly display to entertain the blood thirsty god-forsaken mobs that drag that part of the world further into degeneracy every day. Now he gets to see it.
But most of all Duke, and his ilk, long to be taken seriously. They long for a world where their discredited conspiracy theories can be believed, where they aren’t considered backward, unseemly and undesirable. To Duke, Iran is as close to the Nazieque Fatherland he and his followers want to turn America into as there could be, and he’s going to bask in it’s Jew hating, anti-American glory.

It is a vacation for Duke, from decency, righteousness and most importantly patriotism. Duke’s trip to Iran is no different then Sean Penn’s visit to Saddam, or Jane Fonda’s visit to the Viet Cong. It is sedition and he is a traitor.

I for one will not let him forget tit.

The Hezbollah/Chavez Alliance


Gateway Pundit’s coverage of Hezbollah’s new offensive against the Lebanese government contains the above disturbing photo of a gleeful Hezbollah terror supporter holding a picture of Communist dictator Hugo Chavez. Disturbing because Hezbollah may have been involved in a terrorist attack in Venezuela.

Douglas Farrah notes that Hezbollah may become more active in Venezuela, as well as other countries in Latin America, an uncomfortable prospect for Americans to be sure. With the anti-American rhetoric coming from Chavez, will Hezbollah be able to find an ally in the Bolivarian Revolution the same way they have allies in American Communists and England’s R.E.S.P.E.C.T. party?

I’ve written before of the dangerous fans Chavez has in this country, and now he seems to have supporters in one of the most violent, and largest, terrorist organizations in the middle-east which just happens to be moving materials and man-power on to our southern border. This does not bode well.

“You Can Choose Freedom Or You Can Choose Tyranny, But You Can’t Choose Both”

The above quote is from a blog by 910 group member The Marwinist. In this time of struggle, when Western Civilization is under attack by forces both without and within, those who stand up for goodness are vilified as evil. Those who desire freedom are called oppressors, those who are speak out against Arab enslavement of Black Africans are called bigots, and those who speak out from the left suffer worse then those of us on the right.

The Marwinist is one of those who has been abandoned by the new left, who’s call for liberty has been cast aside in favor of tyranny and who’s call for peace has been silenced by the cries for bloodshed and dissolution. The Marwinist is a lonely voice of hopeful idealism awash in a sea of petulant anti-Americanism. But he (or she) is not alone.

While not on the left, Red-Alerts is on his side, while we may disagree on many things we can agree on one thing. That America’s worth fighting for, that tyranny’s worth fighting against and that the time for freedom loving peoples to make a stand is now.