Cuban Bloggers Take Aim At Target!

Target, which is the second-rate, nouveau rich department store that spoiled white “radicals” like to shop at once they’ve driven Wal-Mart out of town, has long been home to un-American activities. No Guns, No Salvation Army Bell ringers, Target’s like a little slice of Canada right here in America.

Even Canada wouldn’t pull this far left though, and Fausta’s blog is all over this story of a store that thinks their’s nothing more in keeping with the spirit of the season then a mass murdering Marxists who killed anyone who was considered “counter revolutionary” including Homosexuals, Santeros and peasant who just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Merry Christmas from Che Guevara, I guess we can get New Years Eve copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf at Target, after all they were both Marxist revolutionaries struggling against the capitalistic oppression of the “people”, right?

Any Che worshipers should read these two article before running out to buy Che tee-shirts. You may want to rethink your patronage at Target as well, an speak with your wallet.

Media Matters Tackles The “Jewish Problem” In Reporting On Israel

After D.U.’s “situation” and the infamous Klanning of, finding an Eric Alterman piece that has the whiff of the Zyklon on it is unfortunately as unsurprising as finding an ugly sweater from Sears under your Christmas tree. He puts a little spin on it, disagreeing with anti-antisemitism in principle while fully buying in to the Z.O.G. conspiracy that used to be the purvue of National Socialist, Radical Muslims and bitter pedophiles who claimed the government using their hard drives as evidence was a violation of the First Amendment.

Read it and judge for yourself, but something tells me he’s not who you want to take to the Passover Seder at you buddy’s house.

Dear Mr. Moreco … I Mean Moredock: Why Bloggers Get Dragged Down Into The Gutter.

So I posted a screed about Ward Churchill, thinking I’ve really done something clever by attacking something different then the usual stuff. After all, how many times can you say someone is an America hating commie? I get a comment defending Churchill, and guess what? It’s some sort of form hate mail from some dude I’ve never heard off.

Though to be fair he’s likely never heard of me. But that’s not the point.

The point is he didn’t even read my post,my lovingly crafted post that managed to combine anti-Communism, Black Power and the pretentious disdain for academia in one offensive post. This guy sends me a form letter that’s also sent to like a dozen other Bloggers (including Michele Malkin, so I’m in good company) that’s basically saying that I should apologize to Churchill for calling him white.

Now, the most important point for me is that this guy really didn’t read my post, because I’m vain. But now I’m also angry because this person’s offended that I called some white guy white. I get called white all the time, it doesn’t bother me, but then again I don’t hate white people.

So Mr. Moredock sends me his form comment that basically says that if I can’t take Russel Means’ word for it that Ward Churchill is an Indian, I’ve “got the ethical intelligence of a fucking woodpile”, because a man who claims to be 1/16th Cherokee, doesn’t like being called white. Mind you my Mother’s Black, I grew up in an all Black household, and I don’t get all misty-eyed if someone calls me white, but Churchill, and his cheerleader, are all aghast by my tremendous faux pas of calling some white guy white.

Now I’m angry, so I comment on Mr. Moredock’s Blog. First sentence: “You clearly didn’t read my post”

That’s what’s important. See I realized something when I saw that long whinny comment on my blog, that all Internet feuds are caused by one thing and one thing only. Vanity.

This Moredock fellow may or may not have a valid point, and I frankly don’t care, but if he’s going to come after me he could have the decency to actually read my blog. I mean good f’n God man, I spent at least ten minutes pouring my heart out about some guy I don’t know in a post on this backwater blog, take the time to read the damn thing.

And when I get some hate mail, I’d like it to be aimed at me specifically, not every person who’s every mentioned Ward Churchill.

Damn commies.

Democratic Underground Forum Plagued By David Duke Supporters!

DU Moderators have their hands full repelling an all out incursion of their forums by supporters of American hating traitor David Duke. At least that’s the narrative the DUer’s use to explain the virtual civil war that’s broken out on their boards over Duke, the infamous Holocaust Denial conference and support for both by “anti-Zionists” who have finally shown their true colors to their well meaning but gullible liberal cohorts.

Hot Air has a screen cap that shows the frustration of a moderator who really doesn’t understand why viciously anti-American anti-Semites were turning up on the DU board, but of course many of us have stated before that anti-Zionism and sympathy for radical Islam, both staples of DU ideology, attract National Socialists and other assorted scum like honey attracts maggot-infested flies. The flies in my metaphor are the souls of the anti-Semites by the way.

The DU members, in their zeal to be “progressive” have tapped into the dark progressivism that began to develop in the early part of the 20th century and led ultimately to World War II. The desire for a state, perhaps an international one, that would be the arbiter of morality, that would be responsible for the planning of the economy and the social structures that were the foundation of society, that would act as parent to citizens from cradle to grave, is a powerful Utopian vision for some. For others it is a promise of the destruction and evil they crave to be visited onto “undesirable” groups, the chance for mere bureaucrats to actually hold the power of life and death in their hands. The “perfect society” of progressives offers the worst of us the means to bring our most evil desires into fruition.

The price those who would remake our country, our world, even humanity itself, must pay is the attention, and too often the allegiance, of those who make the idea of remaking society seem like a good one in the first place.