Arch Bishop Hugo Chavez?

Publis pundit blogs about the latest round of madness from Venezuela, the proposal of a state-run nationalist church with Chavez at the head and his cronies as bishops. It seems his recent victory in the elections has given him a mandate from the people…to form an Imperial Cult around himself.

Fox news’ Father Jonathan Morris also has some choice words about this new Chavezian sect. And Chavez’s supporters here in the U.S.? Strangely silent.

Maybe their praying.

Anti-War.Com Latest Left Wing Blog to Display Their Anti-Semitism

When it’s in the comment s section, left-wingers usually claim any racist or anti-Semitic rant is planted by right wing trolls who want to make them look bad, but this post on can’t be so easily explained away. It is a retelling of a truly horrid story first reported by Haartz of a female tourist being attacked by a insular groups of ultra religious men who objected to her modernity. In a surprise twist these particular barbarians happened to be Jewish as opposed to the usual suspects for a story like this.

But author Jeremy Sapienza puts a hateful spin on the story, using it as an indictment of Israel, and broad brushing ultra orthodox Jews in a statement that’d be called racism if aimed at Muslims:

To their credit, Israelis and Jews around the world chimed in with plain disgust in Ha’aretz’s comments section, many calling for an end to the welfare bummitude of Israel’s sidecurled class, who don’t work, don’t serve in the Army, and have gigantic litters of children for which they get gobs of money mugged from Israeli taxpayers

Emphasis mine. There have been several instances of groups of Muslim men, some of whom are on welfare, attacking women in Europe and Australia, and were I to right a screed about “the litters” of children running about committing crimes, Jeremy would rightfully call me a racist. Animals have litters, humans have children, and it is racist in the extreme to put forward the belief that people have children for the express purpose of collecting welfare. In this country, people who make claims about welfare recipients are vilified as racists (even though most welfare recipients are in fact white) and they should be. The statements thy make are often attempts to promote racist beliefs about other groups.

Likewise, Sapienza’s article is an attempt to vilify Jews and Israel by pointing out the outrageous behavior of religious fanatics, and in the process of doing so demonize the group as sub-human. Were I to say Palestinians had litters of children, wandered in packs, howled like monkeys or anything else about them that gave them sub-human characteristics, I’d receive a hastily scrawled hate mail form Sapienza about my bigotry, ignorance and intolerance.

But because Sapienza’s targets are Jews, he’ll get a free pass.

Zawahri Claims Terrorists Won Midterm Elections!

The blotter reports a portion of the most recent tape from Al-Qeada second in command Ayman al Zawahri features him taking credit for the Democratic victories in the mid-terms and makes several demands of the new Dem controlled house and senate. Among his demands are that the Democrats withdraw American support from Israel, pull out of all “Islamic lands”, and to stop plundering precious Muslim treasure, by which I take it he means Americans should stop buying oil.

Zawahri is also demanding that all negotiations be between the Dems and either himself or Osama bin Ladin. This would seem to be a non-starter to many, but the radical left has already taken the stand that Al-Qeada, and all Islamic terror organizations are legitimate “resistance” organizations, so Democrats like Reid and Pelosi may have to bow to their base.

It came as no surprise to many, as the blotter’s comment section clearly shows.

Somalia Pwns Islamic Courts Union Forces!


Finally some good news from Africa, as the forces of Somalia’s beleaguered government and their Ethiopian allies put it on the the Al-Qeada backed I.C.U. who’ve been largely victorious, and belligerent, until now.

Arab-league backed peace talks only emboldened the Islamists, and the (non) intervention of the E.U. and the international community have done nothing to temper the ambitions of this African Taliban who seek to drag the entire continent back into the dark ages of Islamic dominance and Arab enslavement of non-Muslim black Africans.

This victory will temporarily curb the I.C.U.’s advances into areas they don’t already control, and the heavy losses suffered by the Muslim invaders will give Somalian and Ethiopian forces the opportunity to push back into occupied territory and drive the I.C.U. back from the capitol city. All in all a day for any freedom loving American to celebrate, and congratulate those brave warriors who provided an example of the courage we’ll need to fight the Islamic Expansionists in the years to come.

I’m glad they’re on our side.

“Second-Order Distractions” Pursued by Conservatives in Late 2006

According to a recent Wall Street Journal hit piece on conservative bloggers (and the rest of the blogosphere’s “fools and imbeciles”),

… right-leaning blogs exhaustively pursue second-order distractions–John Kerry always providing useful material–while leaving underexamined more fundamental issues, say, Iraq.

While this diatribe is clearly nothing more than a WSJ peon’s misguided attempt to catapult himself into Internet infamy (and MSM stardom), I’d like to remind him of the following “distractions” covered by Red Alerts recently:

and of course, the following distraction from “more fundamental issues, say, Iraq,”