Cuba’s Universal Health Care Not Good Enough for Castro!

Universal health care in Cuba has long been the bludgeon Pro-dictator groupies like Code Pink have used to disparage our great nation. 47 years of brutal oppression was according to some a fair trade of for “equal” access to state run medical treatments. Always on top of all things Cuban, Babalu Blog shatters the red dreams of America’s nascent Communists with this story of Castro fleeing his piss poor health care system to seek treatment in Spain, and how good decent people are reacting to this travesty.

Why isn’t Spain offering it’s services to “the People” in Cuba? Could it be that Commies don’t really believe in equality at all? Hmmmm….

Give Me That Old Time Religion!

I spend a little more then half my time in New England and have in that time come to appreciate a quote I read somewhere, which has always stuck with me even though the identity of the author has not:

“Of beggar’s we have few; but of witches we have too many.”

Which is to say that New England is my prefered Halloween destination because of the large numbers of people there who, shall we say, understand the spirit of the season. That’s a euphemism by the way.

One of those who I might invite to my next Halloween Masque is Susette Kelo of New London Ct., who’s name you’ll know from the infamous Kelo decision granting the government Marxist style power over the private property of others. Susette was forced by the Commies sitting in the supreme court to leave her home with compensation paid by the state. Susette didn’t want compensation however, she wanted to live in her house unmolested, alas, it was not to be.

As Christmas approached Susette, with her friends assistance, put a curse on everyone who participated in the theft of her beloved home. What makes it more delicious, the curse was printed out on home made Christmas cards. Pure evil.

And I love it.

Debbie Schlussel has the full text, and Political Pitbull info about exactly who’s going to have a Black Christmas this year. Here at Red Alerts, we’re just putting up our devil horns and bowing down to to someone who has hands down out scrooged us.

Blessed be, Susette kelo and Merry Christmas.

Hippy Sets Self On Fire To Protest Christmas!

A Grinch channeling lefty set himself, as well as an American flag and Christmas tree on fire in protest of a California school boards decision to call the districts winter break Christmas vaction.

Source say he also was protesting the naming of the area above the earth “the sky” as it offended those who believe the sky fell in 1987.

The entire story of stupidity is here. Praise Allah for the tip.

Ward Churchill Groupie Goes Down In Flames!

Alas, John Moredock, we barely knew you. Vicious Communist attack troll, and Ward Churchill groupie, John Moredock who wrote some of the vilest post on the Internet at the now seemingly defunct Churchill fan site, has inadvertently exposed himself as part-time adjunct professor Benjamin Whitmer. Benji works at the Ethnic Studies department at C.U., just like his hero Ward Churchill.

As John Moredock, the good Mr Benjamin made a number of enemies indulging in slander, accusing those critical of Ward Churchill of being racists, “child-rapists”, liars or stupid (in my case three of the four) and most disturbingly his penchant for on-line fantasizing of the rape/murders of those who’ve “crossed” him. And by him we mean his friend Churchill, because no one has ever heard of him.

Drunkablog broke this one, along with PirateBallerina, so a great big hat tip and thank you to them. Go to their blogs to see how Whitmer’s and his yet unidentified friend’s propensity to send hostile e-mails to people was their undoing. I have a copy of a hostile e-mail he sent me, along with my hero Michelle Malkin among others, which he was kind enough to also regurgitate into the comment section of my post on Churchill insulting Black folk which was where we first crossed virtual swords.

In my short tenure as Whitmer target, it always stuck me as odd how slavishly devoted to Chuchill this “John Moredock” was. But a little research show that Whitmer was in fact restrained in his Churchillophillia while writing under his pseudonym. For the full low self esteem, “Daddy never loved me, hold me Ward” boot licking toady effect, you must read Whitmer’s letter of support for Churchill. It begins with him admitting he really doesn’t know the man, and ends with a hateful rant at the people good enough to let him teach at their University for “marginalizing” Ethnic Studies. Certainly the behavior of people like Churchill and himself could never be responsible for so lofty a discipline as Ethnic Studies to be disparaged.

Better yet, Whitmer picked up some tricks from his academic sugar daddy, like referencing himself under another name, like he does below.


Oh. My. God.

Once his little secret came out, he took down his blog, as if that’ll stop the people he really libeled from suing him. Too bad because our “argument” in his comments section, where I prove he’s a racist Commie, were pretty funny. And I like the idea of having an Internet nemesis to torment.

I guess there’s nothing left to do but call the head of his department., and let them know that as a man of African descent, I found Whitmer’s blog extremely offensive and will look forward to them getting back to me to discuss the issue.

It’ll be my way of saying goodbye Mr Moredock.