War In Lebanon?

Hezbollah protests are turning violent, with reports that Syrian agents are trying to stir up conflict. A civil war seems to be looming as Iranian and Baathist expansionism encroaches on Democratic Lebanon.

Gateway pundit has the whole story.

Why We Haven’t Won In Iraq

Dedicated “Malkinista” that I am the first thing I do every morning (which begins around 12:30, I’m a Grad student) is make a cup of coffee and browse Hot Air and M.M.’s blog. One of the reasons I’m partial to Malkin is that she’s always on top of America’s fifth column, the dreaded M.S.M. lead by evil communists at The New York Times.

NYT’s latest atrocity against the freedom loving American people is yet another leak of a classified memo, this one by ex-Sec of defense Donald Rumsfeld detailing his dissatisfaction with Iraq policy, specifically our emphasis on “nation building” as opposed to defeating the enemy, though that reading of the leaked material is hardly universal.

The key here is that Rumsfeld was originally bought in to “modernize” the military, creating a slim, fast moving strike force that fought wars differently than the old WW2 model. Glamorous, yes. Rumsfeld’s envisioned military is the sexy spec-ops driven elite force that sells movie tickets, but can it perform? As of this point, we’d have to say no.

High tech toys and hearts and minds operations didn’t win in Vietnam, and they won’t win in Iraq. What we need is a large robust military that is tasked with the total annihilation of the enemy. Nation building should be left to politicians and the United Nations. Rumsfeld’s memo is trying to lay out a strategy to salvage Iraq with the forces we have now and in that light it’s hardly as outrageous as some would have us believe.

Hindsight is 20/20, and we can all see now that our military needs to be more robust, and shouldn’t give up it’s ability to overwhelm enemies in an effort to be more “agile” or modern. Rumsfeld has probably realized that now, but has to work with what he’s got, in the parameters set by a administration that increasingly seems more interested in P.R. then victory. Of course that’ not his problem any more. It’s ours.

The Queen of Righty Blogs has the best round-up.

R.W.V. is a little more forgiving then some people were.

National Review deals with the memo and the problems of leaking them.

Col. North as a little story in S.O.F. that illustrates the the dangers of “modernizing” the military, like the six year gap when marines will lack sea based fire support because we’re scrapping our battleships.

Speaking of Soldier of Fortune, last month they ran an article made up of letters they received from Snipers deployed in Iraq. The letters present a laundry list of complaints, and the Sniper eye view of why we’re not winning the war. Top problems: a) the officer core isn’t trained to employ Snipers effectively b) political decision making keeps Snipers from being allowed to engage hostiles aggressively c) Snipers aren’t being equiped with the right gear. The “streamlining” of the military is causing chaos and dysfunction.

No, I’m not ashamed to admit I read Soldier of Fortune.

The End Of England


It has long been suspected by myself and others that the next King of England may well be a Muslim convert, who dreams of using his newfound popularity with an increasingly violent subculture to gain true power when he ascends the throne . It is also well established that British “multiculturalism” has had the unintended consequence of making England a haven for Jihadist bent on the destruction of western civilization, and ghettoizing English cities as Whites and middle-class non-Muslims flee the tiny third world caliphates that are springing up all over the United Kingdom.

Now there are reports of the government allowing Sharia law to supplant English common law in Muslim neighborhoods, leaving vulnerable British citizens at the mercy those forces that would rather live in an age of darkness and cruelty than in the light of reason.

This is the end of England.

The United Kingdom will split into waring states and devolve into Third World poverty. Melanie Phillips, author of Londanistan has said recently that she believed England stood on the brink of destruction, but I respectfully disagree, England has begun it’s perilous slid into the middle ages and transition form American ally to future battle front.

There are some who say that an Islamic Brittan will never be born, they point to the increased support among the English working class of anti Muslim Nazi groupies the BNP as evidence of England’s “awakening” to the threat Islam poses it’s survival. But the BNP will plunge England into war as surly as a Radical King Charles. The BNP will further divide the English into ever smaller factions who will be no match for a united Ummah.  Like France, England has allowed itself to become a series of smaller states supported by the monies and social services of the crumbling government. And like France England will soon burn.
America has lost a valuable ally in England, an as she transforms into the Islamic English Kingdom we will have a powerful enemy. As we accept the waves of refugees fleeing the sharia laws and non-Muslim oppression, and stand between England’s new sheiks and a hard pressed Israel or India, we will once again be in the familiar phase of war between nation states who are equipped with similar weapons and whose conflict will shake the foundations of the world.

These are the last days of England, and of the hope for peace.