Hamas Claims To Have Allies In The Democratic Party.

WND posted this story a few hours ago and it’s making the rounds. If true, it means that even before taking power the Dem’s are doing some absolutely outrageous politicking. Given Hamas’ stance on Israel, namely it should be destroyed, it’s surprising that Dem’s would have the guts to pull something like this when so much of their support comes from Jewish voters.

The report also claims that French and British represent ivies have also met with Hamas and support the Hamas proposed cease-fire that would include Israel conceding the strategically important Golan Heights to Hamas. Israel is unlikely to give up the Heights because it would allow Hamas artillery to reach further into Israel.

Pamela at Atlas Shrugs is angry but not surprised in the least. Over on Hot Air, where I get most of my news, Allahpundit is “skeptical” of the report, so he’s not outraged…yet.

Powerline wouldn’t be surprised, though as The Jawa Report points out the source for the story may not be 100% reliable.

With the tone of the netroots vis a vis all things “Zionist“, I wouldn’t be surprised by a Democrat/Hamas alliance. Thinly veiled anti-antisemitism mobilised a god chunk of the left, so the Dem’s know that to keep their little Kossacks happy, Israel’s going to have to be thrown under the bus.

Or in the oven.

Of course, top liberal blogs have not mentioned this story at all as of 10:45 NYC time. The studious ignoring of the story, rather than the shrill screeches of indignation from the left make me think that a) the left believes it’s true b) they don’t think it’s a bad idea and c) they don’t want to weigh in until they can see if America’s ready for the left’s “final solution” for mid-east peace.

I hope it isn’t true.

MTV Hates America! (Except Our Money)

Thanks to Ninth Stage who caught this. I’ve not watched MTV (1 or 2) since they started playing grunge on Headbanger’s Ball just to give you an idea of how long it’s been, but I’m told this America hating video shouldn’t surprise anyone. It shocked me though.

The irony of MTV producing a video of a monsterious America destroying the world need not be discussed.

The Revolution’s For Sale!

Communist Terrorist sympathizers A.N.S.W.E.R. are not above participation in our Capitalist system if it keeps their leader’s homes posh. I’m on their mailing list and get periodic rhetoric from them about how we should all be destroying America, killing the rich, etc., the usual stuff I largely ignore. Recently though I began to notice that each spam letter contained some rather crass marketing for “revolutionary” tee-shirts and other items the college radical on the go couldn’t do with out.

For just $22.00 you could sport a fashionable anti-occupation tee-shirt, for just $20.00 you can get the ever popular Che “resist imperialism” tee. These items, among others, are part of the Troops Home Now campaign, the proceeds going to…

We don’t know, because it doesn’t say on their site. They sell “tools” for anti-war activists, then we assume use the money to pay their employees. Just like any good corporation.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that A.N.S.W.E.R.’s just a scam to separate pretentious college students from their parent’s money, after all if they were really interested in living in a Marxist country they’d move to Cuba. No, A.N.S.W.E.R. is just a Communist themed hate cult whose leaders use “the revolution” to brainwash drugged up suburbanites into become their cash machines/gophers/sex partners.

Their like the Ganas group, without the shootings.

In A Philosophical Mood?

The convergence of radical leftist and radical Islam into a popular front is an odd occurrence. Leftists are supposedly interested in “human rights” and freeing humanity from intellectual and economic bondage. Thus the radical leftist should in theory support Feminism, LGBT rights, and radical secularism. They are often allied with Islamists who are fighting to, among other things, halt the progress of Feminism, LGBT rights and radical securalism. It is a phenomenon not easily explained.

For simplicities sake I often make the argument that Marxist love totalitarianism so much that they’ll accept it in any form. The actual relation between the two are more complex however, and I’ve never had the time, or frankly the desire, to dust of my psychology armchair and delve into the mysterious affinity for Koran flavored Fascism the left frequently exhibits. Luckily some others are willing to do just that, and their analysis is bound to ruffle feathers. It also got me thinking about philosophy and metaphysics for the first time in years.

First some basics, this American Thinker article examines the Islamic tradition and why it has developed into and “irrational” philosophy.

One cosmos posts a provocative essay on Progressive irrationality, then a great post on the Islamic/leftist axis.

Now that your in the right frame of mind, read Dr. Sanity’s Systematic Subversion And The Ultimate Triumph Of Freedom.

When your finished reading, turn off you monitor, sit back and let it all sink in.

Now just to get you really furrowing your brow, visit another of my favorite websites and bask in what it all means.

Progress is the starry wisdom.