Robert Kuttner: “…class warfare is here”

Liberals and Democrats rightly put forward that the distinction between them and the radical left is that they are not proponents of class warfare; that is to say that the average Liberal or Democrat is not interested in taking the wealth of the “elites” (by force if necessary) and giving it to the state who would in theory then redistribute it to the working class. Of course part of their lack of support for this type of Communist thought is that it attacks them as much as anyone else, as many Liberals and Democrats are in fact fairly well off.

Those who want class warfare tend to be the children of privilege, angry teens and college-aged radicals who fall under the sway of this or that “revolutionary” or movement. These young Marxists’ ideas are often more based in their desire to hurt their well-to-do parents then any real desire to have their bank accounts emptied, or their childhood homes seized. Thus the “class war not oil war” crowd is easy to dismiss, by those on both the right and the left, as a relatively small group of unhappy protest groupies who could just as easily have joined a cult as become anarchists or communists.

So it is a surprise to everyone when an op-ed piece extolling class warfare appears in a major daily like The Boston Globe. Author Robert Kuttner seems gleeful at the prospect of tax hikes, wealth redistribution, and impeachment hearings. But his leftist fantasies about life under a Democratic majority seem closer to life under the Green Rainbow party then Harold Ford’s America. I’m sure there are Kos posters who even now are calling Kuttner a plant, a right wing troll who’s trying to send undecided voters to the right with his pseudo-Marxist vision of society.

They’d be half right, because his editorial will swing some to the Republican side, but he’s not a plant, he’s part of a growing base of supporters who are less J.F.K. and more Stalin. The Democrats, poised to gain a majority for the first time in years, are faced with the problem of what to do with the seething mass of Marxists, anti-Semites, eco-terrorists, conspiracy theorists, and Jihad apologists that have been useful to them while in the minority, but are now going to be a thorn in their side. If Dem’s take over, and Bush isn’t thrown in jail, the military brought home from Iraq and immediately set off to confiscate private property, Sharia law not given legal standing in American courts and the C.I.A. not disbanded for “their role” in 9-11, then the new majority will face a revolution in their backyard.

The rich Democrats who finance the movement would do well to read Kuttner’s piece.

“Liberal” wing attacks Democrats

Ned Lamont’s impending defeat has stripped away the illusion of party loyalty the “netroots” used to gain the trust of Democrats. M.K.H. (you know who she is) pointed to this Washington Times article exposing the angst growing among the ranks of Kos worshiping neo-Marxists as they begin to realize the Democrats aren’t going to be part of their Mao-style cultural revolution.

The netroots are hysterically attacking everyone for the loss of their man Ned (except Ned himself), and the conspiracy theories are already taking form. The D.N.C. is trying to teach the netroots a lesson is a popular one. But media and special interests groups are also helping to destroy Ned’s chances according to Matt Stoller. It seems the united front the progressives envisioned, directed by an army of bloggers of course, is crumbling as the netroots are cast aside by the mainstream left who no longer need to associate themselves with coffee house radicals and self important dilettantes who believe they can “fix” the world’s ills with a copy of Marx and access to a Democrat dominated legislative branch.

The netroots are even turning on each other in the sort of political cannibalism that always happens among Fascist groups.

I for one am going to sit back and enjoy this. As the netroot movement behaves more and more like the sputtering National Socialist party it is, I’m sure Democrats will begin to finally marginalize these destabilizing voices that represent only the worst excesses of the left.

The Citizens United Ad

A little too heavy handed for some people’s taste, but it is a good illustration of the fears many voters have about an increasingly radicalized Democratic party. It’s fair to say, however, that the Democrats are not against wiretaps per se, just warrantless ones. On the other hand, a phone call only lasts so long and most people conspiring to get up to no good make several phone calls, one after another.

Trust me on this point.

So the Democrats desire to be in the loop looks to me more like an attempt to add a layer of bureaucracy on a process that needs to be extremely quick and efficient. I can also understand the administration’s hesitancy to get warrants given that the various agencies in Washington seem to spring leaks like cheap garden hoses. But readers can judge for themselves how “dirty” this ad is.


As an aside, what’s with the crew at Deport all Leftists?

Communists still seek America’s defeat


The above image is of a protester at the Oct. 28th anti-war rally sponsored by A.N.S.W.E.R. it was one among many such signs. Often “anti-war” groups claim that they are fighting for a better America, sometimes they’ll even say a stronger America, but the truth is that they are fighting for a world with no America.

The anti-war movement is made up of front groups for Marxist, Jihadist and Neo-Nazi terrorist organizations. The well intentioned pacifist is a minority in the anti-war movement, their cause has been hijacked by groups who willingly use violence themselves and support it as long as it hurts America’s interests. Socialist, Jihadist and Racist all are willing to set aside their differences and unite for a common goal: destroying America as we know it.

Remember this sign the next time one of these radical groups sends a pretty young co-ed to your door with a petition to “end the violence” or one of your children’s teachers wants to take a “field trip” to a demonstration. This is the reality of the left in this country, this is their real goal. It is up to us to ensure their dream to turn America into a third world dictatorship does not become a reality.