Mike McIntee exposed

Not only is he a liar, but he’s studiously removing posts critical from him on his YouTube posting to cover his lies. Dishonest, but par for the course for radical leftists. AllahPundit, otherwise known as “diet McCain” to some folks, caught this Comintern agent red handed so to speak; just not in time for the election. I’ve tried to stay out of the “I blame you for the election” game but truth be told Allahpundit, I’m looking at you.

Here’s the expose:


Are there any depths the left will not sink to?

Neo-Nazis will betray any country that allows their existence

Drudge report linked to this Times Online article sighting the chaos being spread by a violent “extreme right” movement taking hold in Germany. “Far right” must have a different connotation in Europe (I’ve actually heard it does) because here in the U.S. our Nazis are Marxists to the core and are increasingly visible in their cooperation with the far left.

Lately, the National Socialist movement has taken time off from secretly plotting to overthrow the government and establish the inbred “whites only” welfare state in the center of our precious America they long for, to help beat the anti-Bush/anti-War drum with their new hippy friends. That is, when they’re not too busy recruiting for radical Islam.

An example of the odd confluence between Nazi and peacenik thought is the sharing of resources between both groups. One such resource is the radical scribblings of one Charlie Reese that turn up on left leaning AntiWar.com and the seditious National Vanguard website, which would give one pause if it wasn’t already well known that Nazism breeds traitors. The Neo-Nazi of today, whether he be in Germany, America, Iran, or Romania, will work ceaselessly for the violent overthrow of the existing system and the destruction of America and Israel, known to them as the “Zionist Empire.”

To achieve their bloody ends, they will ally themselves with anyone who shares common ground with them. Unfortunately, supposed peace activists are often enough terrorist sympathizers who blindly accept anti-American, and more importantly, anti-Semitic propaganda as truth. For example, AntiWar.com advertises this book accusing Israeli spies of either allowing 9-11 to happen, or as the author hopes you’ll infer from his jumbled conspiracy theorizing, were actually responsible for the attacks.

The National Socialists must indeed be comfortable in a movement that attacks America and Israel as the cause of the world’s ills. For their part, the far left simply pretends the Nazi wing of their “revolution” doesn’t exist, and rewards them for their “direct action” mentality and “speaking truth to power” with an increasing acceptance of some of Nazism’s most noxious sentiments.

The rampage through Frankfurt on Oder shocked many, but it is just a taste of what will come if Nazis in Germany, and here, are allowed to fester. It is time to take action against this home grown terrorist group before their virus of hate spreads itself too far into the already unhinged left. The self-proclaimed Nazis should be dealt with as we deal with any terror-supporting group: harshly, swiftly, and before it’s too late.

Payback Time: ABC Touts Coming Democratic Slash-n-Burn

While Radical Islam and resurgent Communism ally against us, as government after government fall beneath the rising tide of blood and carnage, the Democrats prepare to hamstring any hope the free world has of defeating the enemies of humanity itself. The Blotter articulates the Democratic agenda for the country, which not surprisingly ignores the growing danger to Americans from Jihadism here and abroad. It ignores the growing menace in Latin America where Venezuela becomes increasingly Soviet-like, a devolving relationship with increasingly chaotic Mexico and the revelations that Hezbollah may have a strong presence in South America.

The Democratic plan doesn’t attempt to address problems within it’s own party, like how its party faithfuls ended up supporting Keith Ellison, a politician who was supported by C.A.I.R., an organization that has been attacked by Chuck Schumer for its ties to radicalism. How will the party bring moderate and “conservative” Democrats together with a new base full of terrorist supporters? By investigating Halliburton of course.

We were never safe from Islamic radicals, or their far left allies, and with the victory of the Democratic party who spent this election cycle pandering to the far left, we’re even less safe. The next attack on our soil will be not because of “Bush’s war,” but because of a coming storm of liberal self martyrdom speaker elect Pelosi calls “the beauty and genius of our democracy.”

DailyKos give peek into their ugly world

There’s a movie going around featuring quotes of Kossack’s reaction to the anti-Israel cartoon contest held by the Jew hating Hitler worshiper who runs Iran. Interestingly enough, all references to the cartoon were purged from the site, but we’ll see if the vile strain of anti-semitism which has corrupted the once proud liberal tradition appears after the elections. I’m betting we will.

Thanks to LGF for bring the movie to our attention.
