Apocalypse Soon!

Doom and gloom reigns on the right side of the blogosphere. Of course there’s good reason for it. Cold Fury sums up the fear we all feel, and is echoed in sentiment by Sad Old Goth who’s even more melancholy than usual.

With the elections over the “moderates” on the left are able to leap deeper into neo-Bolshevik territory and openly propagandize for our enemies. Kos kid LondonYank’s new diary, fellatiously received by the rich white coffee house Socialists who imagine radical Muslims are their allies, is a butchered conspiracy theory using Iranian propaganda as references. Among other things he claims there is a “thriving homosexual community” in Iran. He neglects to mention that thriving community is down two. He states, without any correction from his theoretically Feminist audience, that women “rarely suffer the isolation, poverty and violence in Iran that so many suffer from family breakdown in America,” despite ample evidence of the second class status of women, and the recent case of an Iranian girl being put to death for the crime of defending herself and her niece from three rapists.

The amount of agreement LondonYank receives is troubling.

Not, perhaps, as troubling as the light sentence given to a Muslim couple who kept a slave girl in California. Not as troubling as Fatah’s policy shift in calling for attacks against America. Certainly DailyKos turning a blind eye to Iranian propaganda isn’t as troubling as this report, or its possible implications for a newly neutered America.

Then of course there’s the Mark Steyn editorial which points out exactly why our pullout from Iraq will embolden the military ambitions of world observers who are coming to believe more and more every day that America’s the new France.

Speaking of France, while they can’t get together the will end the brutal gang rapes of poor women they have almost engaged Israel in combat after a series of spurious allegations that Israel is attempting to attack the European peace keepers. France, just as in their collaborations with Hitler, have declared what side they’re on in the coming war.

But have we?

The Fairness Doctrine: what supporters really mean

A Dave Johnson post at “progressive” blog Hufffingtonpost is demanding that the newly elected Democrats revive the so-called “fairness doctrine” to re-establish “balance” in the media by, among other things, demanding that if a party was “attacked” they be given equal time to defend their position. While at first glance this would seem beneficial to Conservatives and Libertarians whose points of view are limited to being heard on AM radio and Fox News, the reality is that supporters of the reinstitution simply want to water down successful talk radio formulas to drive them out of business.

The “fairness doctrine” is an attempt to regulate debate in this country, to regulate the force with which one makes an argument. The various leftists supporting the doctrine often dwell on the “personal attack rule” which required stations to notify groups criticized on their broadcasts, and allow those groups equal time to respond. So an anti-Communist op-ed piece run on a talk show on Tuesday would legally require the show’s host station to go find a Communist to respond. If, as one would expect, it is too much of a hassle to find Commies to respond to every comment made by Conservatives or Libertarians, the station would find it necessary to curtail speech against Communists “in the interest of fairness” until finding a respondent willing to come balance out the broadcast. Perhaps by being given a show of their own.

None of us are stupid enough to think that the people pushing such an agenda want it fairly administered. There will be no calls to a Democrat-controlled congress to ensure that Rosie O’Donell’s comments about not fearing terrorists be answered by victims of terrorists or their families appearing on The View. I doubt Air America will be allowing time for responses to their vicious attacks on anyone to the right of them. No, supporters here are not interested in fairness at all, just unfettered propagandizing.

Johnson himself is a member of neo-Marxist think tank The Commonweal Institute where another writer wrote longingly of a government seizure of oil companies ala Chavez as an idea that must be considered for there to be a “fair” debate in this country that will help us “arrive at solutions that incorporate the best ideas from all the different perspectives.”

As to the Fairness Doctrine, the Commonweal Institute’s purpose in supporting it couldn’t be clearer than in a quote from Katherine Forrest:

“If we want to see real change, we need to have public opinion on our side.”

In other words, successful “right wing” talk radio is taking the wind out of the sails of the Revolution, so stepping up the propaganda is the only way to get society to “progress” into the bloody dictatorship of which the writers at CommonWeal dream.

In defense of Michelle Malkin

Deport All Leftists has a provocative post calling Internet maven Michelle Malkin to task over her support of enforcement first immigration legislation, and concern over the high cost of illegal immigration. Proud neo-Lib that I am I can see the D.A.L.’s point, but his attack on Malkin is personal, unfair and ultimately wrong.

I believe that hard line Conservatives made a mistake by not getting on board with a guest worker program, not just because of election strategy, but for security reasons. There’s a domino effect happening in Latin America, and a new Soviet union is forming right under us. I believe that someday soon, we will need the good will of the Mexican people, not just their corrupt government. Mexico will be our buffer state, and the willingness of the general Mexican population to ally itself with American interests could mean the difference between a proxy war in South America or a Hezbollah affiliate raining katyusha rockets on urban population centers in the southern United States.

Let us be honest, however, in saying that we’re speaking of a cruel policy. The crime and mayhem caused by illegal immigration is the trade-off for both long term security of our nation and long term victory for our party. The threat of a Chavez led military action on our boarder, in my opinion, outweighs the very real concerns of caused by illegals. Now when the guest worker program goes through, the left will be able to take credit for it and swell their numbers with those who benefit from the program and move on to become naturalized. I believe we’ve shot ourselves in the collective foot.

But I recognize that Michelle Malkin is on the moral high ground here. I recognize that even though she’s “wrong,” and that those who share her stance aren’t thinking far enough into the future for my taste, that her belief that Americans should be able to count on the government to protect them comes from a noble place in the heart. I respect her fight for the safety of her fellow Americans, and admire her moral clarity.

The author at D.A.L. and I may share a Machiavellian view of South American strategic policy, but not of inter-party politics. Machiavelli believed that it was better to be loved and respected, and the attack on Malkin shows that D.A.L. wants neither.

There are consequence to illegal immigration and to blame Michelle Malkin, or any American, for expressing their concerns is un-American. I don’t think Malkin’s right, but I do know she’s neither clueless nor contemptible and she definitely isn’t wrong in voicing her opinion or disagreeing with me, she’s just being a good American. I respectfully disagree with her, and value her opinion.

Now will Deport All Leftist do the same?