U.C.L.A. Security Set-Up By Agitators

Mostafa Tabatabainejad, a student at U.C.L.A., was asked to leave the library by staff following an I.D. check and refused. Security was called and things deteriorated quickly as Tabatabainejad treated his conveniently filming fellow students to an oscar worthy freak out that included references to the Patriot Act in a shrill French girl-like monologue that seemed trite, staged and worst of all hammy.

Perhaps Mr. Tabatabainejad has spent too much time surrounded by privileged, effete suburbanites because the video clearly depicts a man who has no idea of how to act when speaking to a security guard. As a man who’s been stopped by security many a time, I can tell you that you’ve got to, as my Grandmother would have put it, really show your ass to get one to put his hands on you.

Mr.Tabatabainejad showed his entire ass. The question is why?

It seems suspicious to me that this incident, one of literally hundreds if not thousands per year, is filmed by a “bystander”, ends up in the papers on the tail of two other “questionable” incidents involving police brutality and features popular leftist political statements regarding the Patriot Act.

I’m suspicious at C.A.I.R.’s immediate call for the F.B.I. to probe U.C.L.A. security, to ensure that “civil rights be protected.

Since when do you need the F.B.I. to investigate college security?

It is equally suspicious that Alex Jones, the conman who makes a living convincing mentally ill people that they need to read his books to survive the “new world order”, is peddling this story on his site. He seems to be able to get a hold of a lot of video of his fans being “abused” – how does he do it?

Or that a protest is scheduled for noon today. Either the stars have aligned just right for anti-police/anti-Government groups in California OR some radical groups have found a way to keep themselves relevant now that those evil Republicans have been defeated.

And the Democrats don’t need them anymore.

Looks to me like like the later. Watch the video and decide for yourself:


From Darkness, Wisdom

Gregor has written a much more eloquent elaboration than my last post on why we on the right side of the blogosphere are stocking up on ammo and Pro-KI. He included information on the Russian element in our currently devolving situation, and why they’re worth watching. If his site’s too depressing for you, read this BBC article outlining the fears about Russian militarism expressed by the Tories in England.

Also at the BBC is this piece about Hamas, it is strange how belligerent they’ve become. What’s different in the world now that makes Hamas feel like it’s possible to tell Israel and the world to go *#!@ themselves? Hmmm…

So It Begins…

The hopes of a “new direction” in American politics bringing about peaceful dialog with radicals is a pipe dream. This story at BreitBart.com makes me nervous, and if it turns out to be terror related should show Americans that putting a friendly face on our government changes nothing.

Daniel Ortega Is A Child Molester!

It’s no surprise that a Marxist wouldn’t see anything wrong with raping his stepdaughter. After, all the concept of private ownership of anything, including your own body, is antithetical to “true” Communist principles. Once the right of private property ownership is abolished, private ownership of the body is also gone. Once that happens, sexual abuse becomes commonplace.

The Chinese government, for example, has used rape as a tool of state control for years, most recently in their brutal suppression of the Falun Gong.

And of course Cuba has a thriving child rape tourism industry.

Where’s the outrage by leftists at Ortega’s blatant disregard of his stepdaughter’s human rights? I’ve not seen it, and this old article by Townhall’s Mike Adams explains why I never will.