The Occupation In France

Large swaths of France are occupied by Islamic insurgents who won’t let police or other government agencies operate in safety. Dhimmi Watch links to this Daniel Pipes blog post that translates the French government’s own reports which list 751 “Sensitive Urban Areas” where the French Muslims have total control. The French have a listing of the occupied areas here which breaks down the occupation zone street by street and has handy maps with the Muslim controlled areas highlighted in red.

Towns such as Marseilles have more than ten zones deemed sensitive, and a thorough perusal of the maps (carte) on the list will leave you feeling depressed. France is crumbling quickly, unable to bring order into their own cities. The zones are expanding, and will merge in some places in a matter of years.

How long will it be until American troops are needed to liberate France again. A decade? Perhaps two decades? What is sure is that France, and Europe, as we have known it is gone and a Third World War is already being fought in the suburbs of Paris.

Patriotism Vs. Pedophilia: Can You Guess Where YouTube Stands?

A good hustler goes with whatever sells, and the boys at YouTube, as I’ve pointed out before, like to sell. Patriotism doesn’t get YouTube’s base into the buying mood the way a 13-15 year old girl shaking her ass does, so the ratio of “flagged” videos leans heavily on the conservative side.

About a week ago, Dean Esmay servitor Queen of All Evil posted a story about yet another YouTube travesty this time involving James Hooker. The very entertaining James put a video full of patriotic images on YouTube accompanied by one of his songs. It was immediately flagged. Dean and wife of course have much to say, and were promptly embroiled in one of those comment board arguments that you’re usually embarrassed to have been involved in later. Surprisingly enough Dean called someone an idiot.

What Dean’s missed in this is that while “intolerant liberals” may have flagged Hooker’s video, YouTube chooses not to censor material people have flagged all the time. More importantly, it’s not what the YouTube community flags that’s important, it’s what they don’t flag that should upset us all. The same YouTubers that flagged Hooker don’t flag pre-teens acting out sexually, Jihadist propaganda and anti-Semitic rants. That patriotism offends them, but sexually exploiting teenagers doesn’t should cause us all alarm.

Below are a selection of things Youtube viewers find appropriate, if the fact that these videos are considered less offensive then some guy loving his country doesn’t sicken you, you’ve a stronger constitution then I. I personally flagged one, can you guess which one it was?




By far the worst offender is Prince Of Misery who uses YouTube to market his underage porn blog brought to you by the good folks at google.

The middle video was posted by a user who runs a “teen modeling” site. Teen modeling sites were of course on the fore front producing child porn that just barely stayed on the right side of legal by putting pre-teen girls in bikinis and thongs and claiming they were “developing a portfolio”, while selling the D.V.D.’s of the photo session to perverts. John Walsh exposed these scams on his now defunct daytime show, but they’re still around, and have a whole new venue at YouTube.

Remember This America And Give Thanks

Often we hear academics and various Europhiles rue our dissimilarity with our “allies” in Europe and especially England. While simultaniously denying that anything of substance or value has ever been achieved by European “imperialism”, there are many in this country who seek to steer us onto parallel course culturally and politically as that now burning shore. Even as Europe crumbles under the weight of its folk Marxist views, as large sections of the continent are annexed by Jihadist insurgencies there are still those among us who point to the shadow that was the West and proclaim it light.

There are those who believe that peace is to be strive for above all else, above goodness, above right, above freedom. There are those who claim that America is the root cause of all turmoil in the world, that our myriad enemies are reasonable, honorable and seek not war but peace. They say that Iran and North Korea are victims of America’s folly, that Islamic Terrorists will end when Israel is “dealt with”, that Communists, Jihadists, and the patchwork mobs of violent revolutionaries that mount protest after protest, riot after riot in our own cities are harmless, that they are the true patriots.

But when America is attacked again, this time with by a coalition of countries dedicated to our destruction, aided by homegrown insurgents, what will they say then?

Will they point to Europe then? Will the U.N. come to our aid? Will Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink take to the streets to fight for the rest of us? Of course they will not because this will be the day they have waited for their entire lives.

When you sit with your friends and loved ones for the holidays, say a prayer for America, because our enemies draw ever closer to their goal of our destruction, and give thanks that America is still strong. Give thanks that for yet another year we’ve held back the darkness, and that night has yet to fall on our nation.

And remeber who our enemies are. h/t Justify This for these videos.



Is Islam A Heretical Christian Cult?

Not being a Christian or Jew it’s rare that I ponder metaphysical quandaries such as whether Islam is a heretical off shoot of Christianity. As a scholar of Comparative Religion I have an opinion that I offer to other academics but I’m not personally invested in the theological debate concerning Islams status with with regards to Christian doctrine. Cult or not a cult, that is the question put forward by religious thinkers for centuries and the answer changes depending on who answers the question.

Lately though, it’s a question that hasn’t been asked at all and that concerns me. My concern isn’t based in my spiritual notions, indeed I’m more inclined to agree with De Benoist then Pat Robertson on theological questions, I’m more inclined to read the Havamal then the Old Testament. I’ve no vested interest in the question of Islamic legitimacy compared to the other Abrahamic faiths, so I don’t delve into the heretical nature of Islam in relation to Christian theology, or vice versa.

But as an American I do have a vested interest in halting Islamic imperialism both here and abroad. The questioning, by Christians specifically, has political ramifications that are desirable for those who are unwilling to live under the thumb of of a new “Ummah”, who resist the creeping Islamization of free societies. Hope sprung into my heart when Pim’s ghost, one of my favorite bloggers, asked that very question in a post recently.

Recent by my standards anyway.

My contention is simple, we are losing the war. We began losing the war when it was named the “war on terror”, and we will never win as long as we continue to embrace Islam as equal to any ideology in the western world. With all due respect to those few moderate, civilized Muslims who struggle to drag their brethren into the 21st century, I believe America must state the obvious, Islam as it exists today, caters to those who desire a world of rape, backward misogyny and slavery. As long as we cling to the idea of “interfaith” dialog and Multiculturalism, we are at a disadvantage.

But what if Christians, and society at large, viewed Islam as the middle eastern equivalent of the Branch Davidians? I would put forward that even among those who thought the government was “responsible” for the Waco disaster, few thought the Davidians didn’t bring the tragedy on themselves. Even less would argue that religious cults have the right to break laws and ignore or hamper the investigations their own behavior instigates. Certainly no sane person has argued that the Davidians were the “resistance”, or compared them to the American Revolutionaries, and Davidian propaganda videos will never be aired on CNN.

Granted Islam has a longer history then the Branch Davidians, but so what? Polytheism has a longer history then Islam, and if neo-pagans flew planes into the Twin Towers, screaming “Blessed Be!” while their friends danced in the streets I dare say that every Wiccan in America would be sitting in Gitmo, eating tofu and complaining that the guards only let them handle their athames during the Sabbats.

De-legitimizing Salahfist Islam, and the concept of Islamic imperialism, is the only way for the west to win the world war we’re fighting. Christians questioning not just the tactics of terrorism, but the theology behind the terrorists is the key to destroying the inertia of the west. A papal bull, a simple decree of faith for Christians to know that God’s representative on earth is giving them permission to reject Islam could galvanize a war effort that until now has been lackluster at best.

The Islamic world is in a state of total war with the west while we reach out to them. Christians are being massacred right this very minute, and though it is disturbing to see, Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has pictures of an Islamist atrocity smuggled to her from Indonesia. All Christians, and Americans, should view these, but be warned they are quite graphic.

For political reasons, and simple survival, I endorse the view that Islam, or Mohammedanism, is a blasphemous heresy, and I just hope Christians do the same.