Green-Rainbow’s Creepy Uncle Platform

Sure the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts has a lot of controversial platforms, and by controversial platforms I mean half-baked pseudo-Marxist doctrines regurgitated by people who may not quite understand what they’re saying. There’s the Green’s statement that intervention in the on-going Genocide in Sudan would be racist imperialism, for example. Or what I like to call their “killing Jews” platform that states that Israel should be dissolved, that Israel has no right to use force against terrorists and that the rockets being lobbed into Israel are part of legitimate resistance, and thus morally justified.

Certainly these wild-eyed forays into Mansion-ville hippydom have caught the attention of Frontpage’s P. David Hornik and the wise and just Solomon.

But I’m more concerned about their call to repeal truancy laws. They claim, in a short blurb on page 10 of their platform that truancy laws interfere with the civil rights of children.

They of course mean those kids rights to cut school and hang out with the 45 year old Green who lives in his mothers basement and is technically not allowed to be around children. Since when does having a parent know a child’s whereabouts constitute a civil rights violation? When did children wondering about unsupervised, meeting up with adults who promise them beer and pot if they come back to their (parents) place become a civil right?

What kind of person wants to give children the ability to disappear all day with no way for the parents to know what they’re doing or who they’re doing it with? Hmmmm, could it be someone like this?

All I know is that no one from the G.R.P. should be allowed within 100 yards of a school or playground until they explain themselves.

Humanitarian Law Project Wins Right To Aid Mass Murdering Marxists

The Jawas passed on this little nugget about a court ruling that will lead to hundreds, if not thousands of death here and abroad. Basically, the Executive Branch can no longer legally designate groups that sponsor murder and other crimes for political purposes terrorists.

Meaning that terrorists are free to form up new front groups who will be operating in this country.

The HLP who were representing two groups which have committed mass murders and assassinations in furtherance of their Marxist ideologies, also wanted to make it legal to provide “humanitarian assistance” to such groups, but the Judge struck that part of their case down. They plan to appeal, of course. Yahoo has full coverage of the whole dangerous affair.

The Tamil Tigers, one of the groups the HLP were representing, has a website wherein you’ll see how helpless they are without the “humanitarian aid” the HLP want to provide. After all, a group with only one mortar regiment is basically a peace movement, and someone has to protect them from those nasty government agencies who don’t believe in the peoples right to lob shells on Capitalists.

They also post their Propaganda on YouTube, But who doesn’t?

The other Marxist group, The Kurdistan Workers Party, has a website which is wisely not available in English, but scope of their activities and the danger they pose is documented here.

These groups have ties to other violent radicals and have attacked Americans in the past. In representing them, and winning a partial victory, the Humanitarian Law Project has undermined the safety and stability of our nation.

Michelle Malkin has more, and a little history on the Judge that makes the ruling less shocking, or at least surprising.

Stop The ACLU froths in anger, and between tizzies has some good analysis.

Gateway Pundit gives it a more partisan spin.

Shadow Government Forms In Mexico!

At least that’s the analysis at Cold Fury of reports coming in from the ground at the Oaxaca as a collection of neo-Communist revolutionaries have started a small scale war in Mexico. “Protesters” are burning cars, destroying buildings and firing what looks like home made rockets at Mexican Police who are getting increasingly more violent as their own casualties mount.

The Oaxaca “uprising” is the first volley of “the Other Campaign”, a program of violence organized by terrorist Sub-commander Marcos aimed at uniting various leftist “resistance movements” to overthrow the Mexican government. It should be of interest to readers that foreign agitators, some from America, are involved in the rioting. One of these agitators, posing as a “film maker”, was killed about a month ago during a clash with the police. Communist web-radicals have since painted the man as a victim of government repression and a martyr to their cause.

Mensa Barbie has links to some of the most gruesome riot videos and some good analysis of the events. U.K. Indymedia, which of course is supportive of this attempted insurgency, has a great pictures and minute by minute updates of the violence. There’s a picture of a rioter rocket launch on their site which to me sums up the situation nicely. They also carry an English translation of Sub-Commander Marcos’ warning of the impending civil war he’s helping to instigate.

The reports Cold Fury’s reacting to our from Mark in Mexico who bravely covers the on going conflict, and its consequences. The insurgency has access to new media, mostly due to the support of armchair revolutionaries and their academic groupies. The most odious sources of pro-chaos propaganda are Nancy Davies’ red lusting fluff pieces on the insurgency at Narco News, and Stalinesque “Truth” factory OaxacaRevolt whose predominately non-Mexican, middle-class home owning authors seem to love the idea of class warfare, as long as it doesn’t effect them.

The main players in the conflict, the APPO, released a statement November 14th (or at least one of their mouth pieces did) claiming they’ve formed a permanent government, but it seems like they meant that in terms of their organization, not as a Shadow Government for Mexico, but to be fair, Cold Fury may know more about this situation then me so I’m willing to take their word for it.

The New York Times is on top of this, and surprisingly not as sympathetic to the lefties as I thought they’d be, although they do claim this is a protest and not an insurgency.

From Russia With Love

The poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko is a gift to conspiracy mongers and skeptics. Already conspiracy theories of unrivaled complexity have appeared on the Internet, some endorsed by noteworthy personalities who lend an air of credibility to what would otherwise be considered so much bunk. The death of the former KGB agent is indeed mysterious, but I say with complete confidence that the explanation will not be that he was telling the truth about Putin being responsible for terrorists attacks on his own country and was silenced after several years of spinning that yarn.

Nor will it be a consortium of Jews trying to start a new cold war. Nor a billionaire running a SPECTRE like organization dedicated to playing countries against each other for profit.

My money’s on Litvinenko,tied to Chechen rebel groups who’ve been know to dabble in radiological substances, got himself a leaky container of black market polonium-210 he intended to resell. Once the end came, his partner in crime gets a “death bed confessional” that’ll sell books and keep the heat off him.

That won’t stop the truthers, who’ll use a Putin plot as an elements for their revised 9-11 conspiracies. Septics will be able to to point to the supposed Putin hit as evidence that if Bush or any government official had something to hide, there’d be a lot more bodies around then one former KGB agent on London.

However it turns out, seeing the fanciful narrative that’ll certainly develop will be the high point of web browsing for the next several months.

Kos Kid Celebrates Suicide Of Mentally Unstable Man

A diary opened up Nov. 8th on DailyKos which uses the tragic self-immolation of a disturbed man who left a suicide note that claimed he almost killed Donald Rumsfield, but chickened out at the last moment. The poster of the diary wants to “honor his sacrifice,” which is a metaphor for rejoicing in the pain the man’s family and friends must be feeling right now.

The attempt to lionize the suicide of a person is disgusting, dishonest, and telling. Malachi Ritscher, a local artist from Chicago, was driven by his own demons to kill himself and though he had written that his act was in protest of the Iraq war, we know it was in protest of his pain, his suffering, and his misery. Ritscher wanted, above all else, to feel important and to belong. His fellow protesters didn’t hear his cries for help, his plea for acceptance, instead they drowned out his agony with their self-absorption.

Those who are lionizing his last desperate act helped to kill him as surely as if they threw a match on him themselves. While they cried “Impeach Bush,” he simply cried. While they embraced Jihadists, he longed to be embraced. While they hated Bush, America, and anyone who didn’t agree with them he hated himself.

And when they went home at the end of every protest he waited, waited for someone to notice him, for someone to see his pain wasn’t going to end when Democrats took control in January. His pain was a never ending stream of doubt, fear and self loathing whose flow couldn’t be stemmed by projection. His pain was a fire that burned him everyday until he made it a reality. Now his fellows will warm themselves by that fire, bask in the glow of his tragedy and draw comfort from his death.

I hope he can find the piece that eluded him in life, and wish his family, or any family, never had to experience the profound grief that they are going through now. But what’s more I hope his family doesn’t come across the musings of those too shallow and cold to realize the real gravity of what has just occurred.