Dept. of Interior blocks Conservative blogs

Gates of Vienna broke this story after a reader emailed them a tip. The D.O.I. has done what most businesses do when their workers spend too much time on the Internet: block access to certain sites. Some of the most of the popular pro-American blogs are on the banned list while neo-Stalinist anti-American blogs like Atrios were at the time of the writing of the original post still accessible to D.O.I. network users. Readers need not be told what happened when the story began circulating on the Right side of the web.

It is unlikely that the Department of the Interior harbors widespread anti-American sympathies, or is staffed entirely by radical leftists. I believe it is more likely that whoever was in charge of blocking network access to outside blogs was playing politics, allowing radical sites to remain available as some sort of statement. It’s possible that this person or persons wanted to scare up some controversy and make it seem, at least temporarily, that the D.O.I. was endorsing radical politics. Whether this was to whip conservative bloggers into a frenzy and make them look silly, or simply to embarrass a hated supervisor no one seems to know, nor does it matter.

I’m confident that the Leftist blogs will soon be added to the banned list, and some angry I.T. professional will be “underemployed” within the week.

YouTube doesn’t ban all hate speech

While conservatives like Michelle Malkin had videos banned from YouTube, ostensibly for posting videos deemed offensive, YouTube has allowed a virtual orgy of hate speech to go unchallenged. Videos from virulent anti-American white supremacist can be found by the dozen, some of which include documentation of criminal activities. Just as Jihadist use video sharing sites for the dissemination of propaganda aimed at recruiting the weak-willed into their death cult, the “white pride” movement has been utilizing YouTube for the same pupose.

These are just some of the videos YouTube has left on their site. They are disturbing and in some cases graphic:




Toward the end of the first video you’ll see that these YouTubers film themselves committing heinous assaults on innocent bystanders, and if you were to look at the Youtube page of “bootgrl” you’ll see that someone has already reported her to YouTube for hate speech. That was two days before it was posted here. It is also interesting that the same people who complained about various conservative videos being offensive are fairly silent when it comes to neo-nazi propaganda.

This should show everyone where YouTubes loyalties, and those of many of their users, lie.

North Korea wants war, but not on the Korean peninsula

North Korea has possibly conducted its first verified test of a nuclear weapon just days after D.P.R.K. shill Kim Myong-chol‘s op-ed piece in the Asia Times declared that the next war between The U.S. and North Korea will be fought on American soil. The op-ed piece is filled with typical communist propaganda threatening to destroy America. North Korea’s ability to attack American soil, or stand up against our military might is a debatable point, but not necessarily the important issue for their regime.

North Korea’s test, whether or not it turns out to be “spoofed” as some are suggesting, has no real bearing on the situation, Kim Jong-il has just set the stage for war, one that will reach American soil without North Korean missiles. Just as the war against Islamic Fascists is being fought both externally and internally, any action against the communist regime will mobilize the thousands of anti-American activists that already revel in the mayhem and chaos their “protests” cause.

Groups like the Korean Friendship Association which has branches in several countries including the United States, have covertly recruited radical sympathizers to help prop up the regime for years. Groups like the World Worker’s Party, and International Action Center have pursued an anti-America, Pro-Stalinist agenda for many years. Their front organization, the “anti-war” group A.N.S.W.E.R. has helped radicalize the anti-war movement and recruit young people into their violent revolutionary ideology.

The website of the Atlanta chapter of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade recruits through promoting armed conflict with the United States, a position it learned from its parent organization R.C.P., and “direct action” protests grow in popularity and violence. To international observers it may already seem as if America is in the midst of a civil war, and the D.P.R.K. seeks to exploit this perceived weakness at a time when our nation’s political landscape is at it’s most divisive. North Korea and Iran both continue to make statements aimed at inciting the radicals in our midst to violence, and lead our country from cross party acrimony to all out warfare.

The I.A.C and other anti-American groups have preemptively started an anti-Iranian war campaign, and these same groups openly support North Korea. Their numbers are swelling with a new breed of violent “activist” to whom the potential of their activities to injure or kill Americans is not just inconsequential, but welcome. Just as in France, where mobs of rioters can not just influence policy but annex sections of the country, there are those in the United States who hope to transform the country through revolutionary violence, and like their French counterparts, will use any excuse to start their anti-American pogrom.

There are several large-scale protests being planned by radical Marxist groups for the month of October – no citizen should be surprised when they turn violent. Instead citizens should be prepared for a war that has already begun.

The world can’t wait … for your children

No matter what the cause, there’s nothing more unseemly then attempting to enlist children to join in, especially without the knowledge of their parents. When the cause is a front for a radical socialist group whose advisory committee includes Lynne Stewart, a member of the loathsome Workers World Party and a convicted terrorist, the recruiting of children is not just unseemly, but dangerous.

The World Can’t Wait! organized a rally on October 5th largely through Internet outreach, and specifically with their MySpace page. MySpace has, perhaps undeservedly, gained a reputation among parents and concerned adults as a hunting ground for predators, and the thought of adults secretly forging relationships online with teens is disturbing to say the least. When the adult arranges a meeting with the teen, we are rightfully concerned and act swiftly.

Unless they meet at a protest apparently.

On both their web site and their MySpace page, the assumedly adult members of The World Can’t Wait! encouraged minors to skip school to attend their rallies held in several cities. Many children, with their parents believing they were safely in school, attended these rallies surrounded by complete strangers who were made aware that unsupervised minors would be participating in these protest. The World Can’t Wait! arranged an en masse meeting between minors and adults without regard to the consequences.

It is common for organizations whose message is too radical to attract any but the fringe to market themselves to young people who lack the experience or knowledge base to understand how out of step these groups are. With the growth of social networking on the web, these groups have unfettered access to children without the knowledge of parents. The organizers of this protest have already proved to be irresponsible and put every child who walked out of school to join them at risk, and they continue to recruit these same children to attend “mass meetings” next week. Now they are asking them to wear orange so as to be readily identifiable. All sane adults can see the potential tragic outcome of these acts.

We would ask the organizers to be more responsible and only recruit adults for their protest, but they wouldn’t. Easily manipulated, children are more ready to believe the outright lies and fabrications this organization uses as its platform. Instead, Red Alerts will contact the appropriate authorities about what is an egregious lack of ethics on the part of organizers at best, but could just as well be criminal behavior.

YouTube, snuff films, and underage girls

Today’s Vent on Hot Air was a continuation of Michelle Malkin’s expose on the seemingly inexplicable actions of YouTube in banning the videos made by Conservative YouTube users in response to pro-jihad videos, which remain available to this day. As always, Hot Air does an excellent job covering an important story that isn’t being widely circulated in the main stream media, though to be fair the New York Times does cover the story in it’s own left of center way.

But while the question of who does or doesn’t get “flagged” on YouTube might be interesting, and in fact telling of the kinds of people employed by YouTube to oversee such matters, what seems to be lost in this discussion is the most important question; is YouTube breaking the law?

The production and distribution of snuff films is illegal in the United States and while YouTube isn’t producing the films, they are providing a vehicle for their dissemination. Of course YouTube puts the responsibility of policing content on users, telling YouTubers on their safety tips page to use the flagging system as way of keeping YouTube “safe.” This shifting of responsibility is unacceptable, especially from a company that expects advertisers to have a campaign budget of at least $25,000.

YouTube is a business that is profiting from depictions of Americans being murdered and Islamic propaganda films. YouTube knows full well that these videos are there, and more importantly that they have a significant audience. It is that significant audience that helps them generate the numbers necessary to charge $25,000 for ad space. They must take the responsibility to police their site, immediately take down Jihadi snuff films they find and ban the users who posted them.

Adult magazines and websites must ensure that their models are of age, and that none of their advertisers are selling illegal products. When it is found that those magazines or websites are not living up to their responsibilities they are penalized. YouTube should operate under the same standards, and if they’re not taking sufficient pains to avoid supporting America’s enemies, they should suffer the consequences.

But they won’t. YouTube, like many Internet-based businesses operate in a vacuum, largely sheltered from scrutiny by law enforcement agencies who simply don’t have the time or resources to monitor the millions of videos being posted on the Web every month. This lack of governmental oversight is essential to our freedoms, but comes with an increased responsibility of citizens enjoy those freedoms. YouTube refuses to live up to that responsibility, choosing to put earnings ahead of patriotism, morality and good taste.

YouTube has a similar situation with underage girls posting videos that pedophiles will find titillating. On their safety page YouTube welcomes teens aged 13-17 and having given the kind of perfunctory advice about Internet safety they receive in school, allows them to post videos with titles like “hot teens kissing.” Adolescent girls posting videos of themselves dancing, sometime salaciously, are greeted in the YouTube community with comments like “ur both hottt…wish i was there :P” from Nawtnood whose YouTube channel page features disturbing videos of very young girls performing simulated fellatio during the end of a “dance.”

YouTube must know that pedophiles would use their service if teens 13-17 are invited to join. They know many of those same children may post inappropriate videos of themselves. They also know that those same videos will generate huge amounts of traffic, and allow them to charge more from advertisers, thus they do nothing.

YouTube bans conservatives, likely because they generate less traffic then the jihad channels, so when forced to chose sides in the “war” between pro-American and anti-American customers, they chose the side that helps put more money in their wallets. Therefore I respectfully disagree with the staff of Hot Air in their quest to make YouTube more “fair.” They are certainly not being fair to the underage girls they exploit, or the families of servicemen and women whose deaths were filmed and used as recruiting tools. What all Americans should be doing is demanding YouTube be held to account for its actions which seem, on the face of it, illegal.