More pro-North korean propaganda from American communists

Anti -American disinformation from the anti-Imperialist news service, reprinting a statement issued from The Worker claiming that North Korea has the right to develop nuclear weapons because of America’s “60 year war of aggression” with the D.P.R.K. which was spurred by our greed and love of evil, of course. The statement goes on to claim that North Korea’s defiance of the world community, and their attempts to blackmail the region through the threat of nuclear war are in actuality important deterrents to “U.S. aggression” and promote world peace.

While we as Americans are distracted by the very real danger of Wahabist expansionism, a growing number of “radicals” in our midst move ever closer to our enemies, and to becoming terrorist themselves. The next attack on American soil may not be carried out by Muslim fanatics, but student radicals protesting American “imperialism”.

The true face of the New Left


Canada has long been the standard the hard left compares the United States to. It is assumed by many radicals that Canada is a sort of liberal paradise of free thinkers and enlightened citizens who are decades ahead of Americans in terms of social and moral progress. The election of Stephen Harper, a conservative, was widely viewed here, as a step backward for a country many on the American left believes we should be trying to emulate.

The above picture is from the profile page of Canadian leftist blogger Viamund the Rake, who shares the angst of his brothers and sisters to the south over the state of the world during the “evil” Bush regime, the eroding of civil liberties by neo-conservatives, and loves to discuss the pretentious anarchist theories of Hakim Bay. He fears his great country is being hijacked by minions of the Republican party and is ready to fight against the encroaching fascism that Harper’s government is abetting in enlightened Canada with its restrictive laws. More specifically, the raising of Canada’s age of consent to 16 from 14 is what Viamund rails against, because it’s trampling the rights of the children.

Aside from his self described “boy love,” Viamund would fit in quite nicely with those who we term the far left in the United States. His post on why America is a Third World country could just as easily have been posted at Dailykos or Democratic Underground; his hopes for a united world under a more powerful version of the U.N. are the sort of Soros-inspired fantasy that the most radical of American leftists fill their daydreams with. On all major issues facing America and the world, Viamund agrees with Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore, except of course for one.

Viamund’s support of radicalism is a transparent ploy that any astute reader can see through after casual perusal of his Internet scribbling. Anarchy and “liberalism” (at least his version of it) would protect his interests, namely molesting children. He did not come to the conclusion that radical leftists would be supportive of him in a vacuum however, as this article from Counterpunch shows. That the communist propaganda site decided to publish this piece at all speaks to the depths to which Marxists will sink to expand their political base.

As self-righteous as any neo-communist, Viamund has created a “blacklist” of Internet companies who are “discriminating” against him and his fellow perverts. It ironically includes the site which is known to have had several incidents of child predation including the shocking case of 23 year old Jeremy Allan Steinke who met his 12 year old victim on the site and subsequently went on a killing spree with her in tow. It’s not a secret among “Goths” that the site is not monitored well at all, and it speaks volumes to Viamund’s on-line behavior that he was, it would seem from his anger, banned from the site.

Viamund has inspired me to make my own Blacklist of individuals whose behavior is so outrageous that Americans, and in this case our friends to the north, should avoid them at all costs. Perhaps if he sees this post, and my list, he’ll appeal to his comrades on the left for sympathy and support, and unfortunately there will be a few who will give it to him.

YouTube continues to support the jihad and child exploitation

The controversy over YouTube and its perceived support of violent jihad videos continues to embroil the blogosphere. As I stated here last week, I believe YouTube believes jihadist videos and salacious depictions of underage girls attract more viewers, and thus, allows them to charge their minimum $25,000 for advertising. I don’t believe their “attacks” on conservatives are necessarily driven by ideology as much as by populism; there are more complaints lodged by Jihadists and their left wing apologists so Youtube caves into the demands of the group it believes is bigger.

As I reported before, YouTube takes great pains to ensure that young people use their site while at the same time disavowing any responsibility for the content users post, or the safety of the children they allow to use their services. This makes YouTube a pedophile’s dream, where children often naively post sexualized performances and can be contacted by “fans.” YouTube cannot be unaware of this aspect of their service but chose to ignore it as long as possible, waiting for other users to flag inappropriate content then acting. Granted it would be a logistical nightmare for any company to monitor the activities of thousands of users, but corporations must act responsibly even if it cuts into their profits.

Supporters claim that YouTube is “changing the ownership of narrative,” a pretentious phrasing for the idea that every video posted has merit as a source of knowledge, and every poster is serving “truth.” After watching a selection of these videos, any rational person knows that this is exploitation of the worst kind. Here is just a sample of the glorious revolution YouTube promotes:


(The title to this one is 14(yr) old sexy korean bellydance)

(The comments for this one were repulsive)

Jihadism and pedophilia are not protected by the first amendment, and a company profiting from both certainly doesn’t deserve legal protections either. Many will say that YouTube is providing a valuable service to our country in allowing these images to put our culture and our world in greater context, but I will call this what it is; treason and child exploitation.

The new Klan:

It is hardly breaking news to state that Soros-funded is a hotbed of racism, Marxism, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. This story has been widely circulated and Web sites like WMD have extensive coverage of the whole debacle. The story even made The Washington Times recently, and the moderators of MoveOn’s “Action Forums” have been forced to disable the forums due to their inability to control the hate speech being posted on their site. Luckily, many of the offending quotes were saved by disgusted viewers, a selection of which, thanks to the work of W.M.D., I present below:

Bush is no Hitler. Hitler was a socialist and believed in something beside money. He did not dodge real military service and he believed at least in Germany, which was a real nation and not a corporation like the US. Moreover, Hitler did not use depleted uranium and phosphorous to burn people alive. He did not condone the torture of prisoners ‘for fun’ or ‘to relieve stress.’ forum

For Blacks to receive the discipline basically the military have to offer, and minorities are so much in need, I would suggest that they recruit Blacks, keep them in safe positions state side and not allow them a weapon, because they may use it against those they perceive to be their enemy.”
-Moveon Action Forum

school curricula are dominated by the Talmud, especially a specific Talmudic text called Shulhan Aruch.
In this text, Jews are commanded to slaughter non-Jews who are viewed more or less as animals or at least lesser human beings.
-MoveOn Action Forum

While MoveOn-endorsed candidates like Ned Lamont, who until recently belonged to a whites-only club, or former Klansman Robert Byrd would no doubt be comfortable with their supporters believing such things, most of us are not. The statements above echo that of treasonous terrorist sympathizer David Duke, who in fact agrees with all of the platforms puts forth regarding President Bush, the Iraq war, and the Israeli Palistine conflict. In fact, the only real difference between Duke’s seditious rabble and the MoveOn community is that MoveOn will let minorities join.

With less than five weeks to go it is important for all Americans to stop and think on this story, and its consequences. MoveOn has led the purge of Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman in favor of a millionaire socialist who can’t be bothered to eat with people of other races. The “netroot” community has completely taken over the cause of “anti-Zionism” from their White Supremacist and Islamist allies. The radical Left is now in the process of turning on Jews to curry favor with a larger more activist group of anti-Semites simply to increase their chances of retaking Congress and the Senate in this country.

As a Biracial person, I’m left to wonder, will the left turn on me next? Will those of African descent be the next to be cast aside when political expediency demands it? Will we be vilified as Jews are even now being vilified? Will we let the Democratic Party be perverted into a cabal of racist radicals? On November 7th, though I’m a Republican, I’ll be voting for Lieberman. Every Connecticut resident should do the same and take a stand against the uglier elements that lurk on the fringes of both parties, awaiting a time when desperation or ignorance drives the party to attempt an alliance with those whose real motives would destroy it from within.

It is time for Americans to send a clear message to the small vocal minority who believe it to be acceptable to promote bigotry and intolerance as a surrogate for political debate; we will not abandon our fellow Americans, no matter what their affiliation, when they’re attacked by the most vile amongst us. Republicans and Democrats must at times stand up united and on November 7th we will stand up for Joe Lieberman.

Are snuff films protected speech?

Early yesterday I received an E-mail from Melissa McNamara informing me that my post on YouTube’s banning of Conservative content would be referenced in her Blogophile column. Ms. McNamara graciously included me along with a post from Hot Air to provide right of center perspective to the otherwise left leaning samplings of blogs discussing this topic. In reading the article, and following the links to the other blogs referenced, I was troubled by where the discussion was leading, specifically that the jihadi snuff films had socially redeeming qualities and should thus be protected.

In my generation this is called the G.G. Allin defense.

While some activists wanted Allin to be an example for free speech, the truth was Allin was a sexual sadist and a criminal. His violent acts had nothing to do with his stage show as he proved later when he was incarcerated for raping a fan. Supporters of jihadi videos are making a similar claim, that the posting of videos of Islamist killing people is an expression of free speech and an important source of the news that “the Bush Administration has actively sought to prevent Americans from seeing” according to Ted Landau of Slanted View. Adrian Chan seems to believe that YouTube’s posting of snuff films is part of a cultural revolution where the media can no longer act as agents of population control, while Courtney Radsch at Arab Media just doesn’t understand how the videos violates YouTubes posting policy.

For Courtney, the short answer is because it’s an actual crime to distribute the video documentation of a persons death for commercial gain. But for the rest of the blogs, the answer’s more complicated, because they seem to not really care about the illegality of this. By their logic, if a rapist video taped himself in the act of brutalizing a woman, and sent it to a for-profit corporation to be hosted it on their website, the “newsworthiness” of the rape would extend First Amendment protection to people who would otherwise be charged as accessories to the crime. The theory is that exposing the “larger truth” of the violence of war (which you and I simply cannot appreciate) supercedes all other concerns, even concerns that YouTube is becoming a jihadist recruiting tool.

The idea that those watching these films are “truth seekers” is ludicrous, the videos are made to appeal to sadist, people who derive emotional and sexual gratification from brutality and violence. The videos are designed to attract sadists to the ideology of jihad, by showing them that through its application they can live out their twisted fantasies. For ideological reasons of their own, these bloggers mentioned pretend that they’re blissfully unaware of what these videos are, but if the situation was reversed and the U.S. Army was posting footage of them killing people as part of a recruitment campaign they’d write a post very similar to this one about it.

And I’d agree with them.