Slavery in the U.S.

There is nothing more un-American then slavery. In a country that holds sacred the right of an individual to live in freedom, to control his or her own destiny, human bondage is not just a crime it is a sin. Yet, today slavery thrives in our very nation as women and children held against their will America by unscrupulous individuals who view these hidden victims as nothing more then objects to be bought and sold like so much cattle. The F.B.I. estimates that there re more then 15,000 slaves being held in America. It boggles the mind to think that such barbarity still exists in a country where it’s citizens were willing to shed the blood of other Americans to end the evil of slavery.

Much of the slavery, like the just wrapped up Soto case, involve smugglers taking advantage of illegals who seek to enter the United States in search of work, usually over the Mexican border but illegals from Asia and Eastern Europe are also targeted. Modern day slavers force these vulnerable women and children to work in brothels where they are forced to sexually service dozens of men a day. In some cases women and children are kept as household slaves by individuals or couples, forced to do the bidding of those who “own” them or suffer the brutal consequences. Two such cases have made the news in recent months, one in southern California and another in Colorado. In these cases the perpetrators of these crimes attempted to explain away their savagery as “cultural” differences”, saying that in the Islamic countries of their origin “arrangements” such as these were common.

A ludicrous argument to be sure, one that was made only to play upon the perceived dogmatic acceptance of “multiculturalism” that would keep Americans from standing up to evil behavior imported fro other countries for fear of being branded racists. In these cases it didn’t work, but how do we explain the inaction of Americans, and their seeming approval, of sexual slavery in our cities? In every major urban center, local papers are filled with advertisements for “massage” parlors and escort services stocked with Asian and eastern European women who are likely illegals forced into a life of degradation and hopelessness. Such bastions of liberalism as The Village Voice offer page upon page of ads of brothels staffed with young Asian girls who likely are being held against their will.

The F.B.I. has an intelligence report that exposes key facts about the vicious trade, but much of what is in it is common sense for anyone who’s watched the news. The Voice must know that many, if not all the brothels that advertise with them are likely stocked with slaves, but they clearly don’t care. They may make a libertarian sounding argument about the need to decriminalize prostitution because consenting adults should be able to do what they will, but in these brothels only one adult, the “John”, is consenting, the other adult is being forced to participate and is thus being raped.

That’s assuming the girl is an adult at all.

So have we as a society grown so callous that the plight of these women and children doesn’t affect us? Are Americans really so cruel as to leave these people who desperately need our help in chains? Do the advertising managers at The Village Voice, who gladly take the money of slavers, represent us all? I say no. We can end this disgrace in our midsts today, by reporting these brothels to the F.B.I’s trafficking hot line at 1-888-428-7581 and supporting those groups that fight against slavery here and abroad.

The American Anti-Slavery group is a good place to start for every American to see what they can do to end slavery once and for all.

Ted Kennedy’s a Communist agent!

I didn’t jump on this one for a lot of reasons, most importantly because it’s a cliche. Otherwise I also expected that the sensational charges about Kennedy would prove to be smoke and mirrors, a conclusion only viable if one used the kind of conspiracy theory logic more at home on the far left.

I was content to let Hot Air sort this out, and did they ever. It looks like a rock solid case of Comintern style agency on the part of Ted Kennedy, but for political gain rather then ideological motives. It’s interesting to note that the story evolves to include Kennedy plotting against both Reagan and Jimmy Carter.

A book being launched that flat out accuses a sitting senator of being treason seems like big news, but interestingly enough the story’s getting most of it’s play on the right side of the web.

The book that brought this to light is Paul Kengor’s The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the fall of Communism. It’s worth a read.

Considering J.F.K.’s hard-line stance against Communism this is probably one of the most shocking Kennedy revelations to come to light in a long time.

The Internet’s free? Rollins seem to think so

It’s hard to keep your punk credentials when you’re a rich celebrity appearing on IFC. When you’re a good 30 years older then most of your fellow punk rockers, well then you’ve got two choices: You can age gracefully or you can kick it up a notch. Henry Rollins has chosen the later.

I assume he has (or had) some sort of show, I hated Black Flag back in the day (Metal till I die) so I really don’t keep track of what ‘ol Hank is up to. Whatever he’s doing he apparently gets free web hosting as part of the deal, because his rant below accuses none other then Karl Rove (is there anything he’s not responsible for?) and the Bush administration of trying to make you pay for your website. Hank seems to live in a world where domain registration, web hosting and the hardware that keeps the ‘net rolling are all provided by the good web fairy.

I’m a big proponent of the theory that you can judge the merit of an idea by those who support it. Well Rollins little rant is not only posted on YouTube, but on the site of conspiracy mongering con artist Alex Jones. Oi.


Angry Liberal claims MoveOn post is all lies

One of my earlier posts, The New Klan: has gotten some attention thanks to it being excerpted (or in one case lifted entirely) on other forums. One forum in particular was abuzz, with angry leftists asserting that I made the entire story up. It seems that some one called “nighttime624” posted my entire article on the My Way political forum (which I appreciate), which is apparently an extremely left leaning site. As one would expect, mayhem ensued. If nothing else, click the above link to see some of the worst spelling and grammar on the ‘net, and I mean my posts.

Apparently this “nighttime624” is considered some sort of troll, and because he or she simply republished my article (though to be fair he did attribute it to me) there was some confusion about the authorship. I must say I much preferred how Winged Hussar at Free Republic excerpted my post, then sent traffic here, because after all I do try to spruce the place up for guests. Perhaps it was because of the perceived familiarity that the post were so personal in their attacks. One poster wrote a convoluted attack on the logic of the article which unfortunately included the word “negroes” twice, almost as an unintentional illustration of the kind of prejudice on the left I spoke of.

But the angriest and loudest voice was from “black_n_silver_girl” who flat out accused me of making the whole story up. Her point is that in asserting that the racist comments posted were in fact by MoveOn supporters, and not as she contends by “political enemies” trying to make the organization look bad, that I’m actively lying to support some right wing agenda. I of course am a late comer to the story, so as a service to “black_n_silver_girl”, who I invited to post her evidence of a conspiracy here, I’ve provided a list of links to this story she seems to believe I’ve pulled from my ass.

The Spectator picked up the story in September, while The Washington Times had op-ed pieces in August and September. The Evening Bulletin ran a piece on the rise of anti-Antisemitism on the left that mentions

Israpundit has some of the best coverage of the scandal, here, here and here. I include these so that black_n_silver can see that her conspiracy theory was debunked a few weeks ago. Of course the freeper’s have a whole section devoted to this and as I referenced in the original post W.M.D. has a wealth of information on this and other important stories. It’s one of my favorite sites, in fact.

This will of course not stop “black_n_silver_girl” from accusing me of fabricating the entire story. Attacks are to be expected from the far left when their unseemly associations with anti-American elements like the Aryan nations, or their tolerance of the hateful rhetoric on the fringe of the left are exposed. To be called a liar by members of the radical left is to know that you’ve hit upon a nerve, spoken a truth that they cannot bear to hear. When the left attempts to side step a debate by calling we on the right liars, we have already won.

The worker’s paradise

While North Korea’s American supporters continue to paint the communist dictatorship as a victim of America’s aggression against “workers”, they ignore the atrocities Kim Jong-il ‘s regime often partake.

Like concentration camps for the disabled.

Little is said about the horrors the people of North Korea must live with daily, instead organizations like the K.F.A. disseminate propaganda aimed at distracting Americans from the threat the D.P.R.K. and those who support the rogue state pose to free people everywhere.