The Protocols of the Elders of the B.B.C.

“Sad hate filled Troll” that I am, at least according to “LMFAOatyou” after my Black Power moment on the MyWay discussion forum, I take great pleasure in pointing out the alarming rise in anti-Semitism on the left. Nothing says “sad” and “hate filled” like being offended by bigotry I guess.

While a tend to focus on America, the left-wing downward spiral into Nazism is sometimes better illustrated from our “enlightened” cousins across the pond. Take for example this report by Melanie Phillips detailing the offensive Jewish conspiracy plot on recent episodes of top rated B.B.C. spy drama Spooks. Eric Lee has a synopsis of the offensiveness at his blog, and the B.B.C.’s problem with left wing bias in a larger context is dealt with in this Tom Leonard piece from the Telegraph.

No doubt the idea that Mossad is secretly responsible for all terrorist activities, in an attempt to smear defenseless Islamic extremists, is an idea that plays very well to the radical left in this country as well as England. Perhaps my friend LMFAO will find even more humor in the B.B.C.’s blatantly anti-Semitic propaganda, and will laugh harder still when the inevitable result of the main streaming of this insidious bigotry, pogroms, take place in Europe.

The Zionist persective

The media, including “new media”, are full of discussions of the merits of anti-Zionism or attacks on anti-Zionism, but little of the pro-Zionist argument is presented. This video provides a perspective that isn’t often heard, and is as worthy of debate as any other.


If nothing else, this video reminds us of the most important part of the Zionism debate, that the destruction of Israel literally means a second holocaust. Is that a price groups like the New England Committee to Defend Palestine believe the world should pay? The answer is yes, which is Israel needs the support of Americans who are unwilling to allow the slaughter of Jews to stain our history, again.

Communists and Jihadist share a common bond: Jew-hatred

These videos illustrate the shared ideology of hatred that unites modern communists and radical Islamists. The first is of a speech translated by M.E.M.R.I. who do a great job exposing the truth of how wide spread radicalism is in Islamic media. The next two are from this summers A.N.S.W.E.R. rallies. It’s interesting to note that the communist front group has been almost totally co-opted by radical Muslims and their supporters.




h/t Age of Hooper

More anti-Semite conspiracy mongering!

While the MoveOn supporters on the My Way board continue to vomit forth the theory that right wing “operatives” were responsible for any racist comments posted on the Action Forum, W.M.D. has provided conclusive proof in the form of one of the organizations official bulletins that anti-Semitic conspiracy mongering was not just tolerated, but endorsed by the group.

The bulletin, which is nothing more then warmed over Satanic cult/Illuminati/C.I.A. conspiracy theory, uses as a reference an article from Communist propaganda ‘net rag Counterpunch which accuses Jews who feel a fondness for Israel of being incapable of being loyal American citizens. Yes, authors Kathleen and Bill Christison use Adolf Hitler’s “divided loyalties” argument to attack American policy toward Israel.

Jews are easy targets for this sort of hateful rhetoric, and the radical left in this country is not just silent on the growing anti-Antisemitism among their ranks, but are actively encouraging it as a recruitment device aimed at young Muslims who are seen as more willing to “take to the streets” than the angst ridden youth who tend to make up the bulk of their supporters.

The Christisons, who claim to be former C.I.A. Analysts (but what good conspiracy theorist doesn’t?) also wrote this piece, again citing the influence of a shadowy group of Jews with divided loyalties for every policy of the U.S. government they don’t like. That they harbor animosity toward Jews and America is obvious, but like so many leftists they believe denying their prejudice makes it disappear. This article by Mrs. Christison shows the internal struggle of Jew hating Stalinist who thinks racism is beneath her. It starts out almost reasonable, but takes a hard left (no pun intended) in the middle. One could feel sorry for her if the consequences of her support for terrorist organizations weren’t so immediate and dire.

My last post on this subject prompted a good smearing of me by some on the left, including the strange appearance of my post on various message boards like Hung Angels which I suppose was an attempt to disturb me, but anyone who knows me would tell you that I’ve always been a friend to the L.G.B.T. community. I’m more bothered that my article was reprinted in it’s entirety without permission!

I’m looking forward to seeing where this one ends up.

Speaking of divided loyalties, the Chirstisons have some interesting supporters.

YouTube spreads the gospel of Jihad

Hat tip to Jawa Report who provided the link to this Hamas recruitment video. The author asks an important question: is YouTube breaking the law by leaving having a video from a recognized foreign terrorist group?


Am I breaking the law for that matter? Does context play a part in the legality? If I was teaching a class would I be able to show the film for educational purposes?

The Hamas clip is tame compared to this anti-American rap that includes references to MK-Ultra actively using the media to control the minds of Americans. This is a theory that until recently was part of the Satanic Ritual Abuse conspiracy theories, which have been widely discredited for those few of you who may be, shall we say, reality impaired.


There are dozens of Jihad vids available on YouTube, but whether Youtube bears some responsibility to remove them, or censor pro-Jihad messages at all, seems to be an open question. At least in the minds of YouTube management.