White Pride Party Wide: “Liberals” drag Dems into gutter, again

Being of mixed race myself, the charges of racism leveled at the R.N.C. for running an ad implying that a white woman asking a black politician to “call me” made me very uneasy. The critics point that the commercial would negatively effect Ford’s campaign is flawed logic because a racist wasn’t going to support Ford anyway, nor will a racist support Republicans. I’ve heard this sort of flawed logic all my life, from white liberals who, upon learning I’m half Black, told me to “pass” because of the vicious racism of Americans. This prejudice never materialized however, except from these same liberals.

So I was reminded of this when the cries of “racist” first went up, and when the “jungle drum” nonsense started I realized what this was: projection.

These white liberals were the ones who were uncomfortable with a white woman assumedly wanting to have sex with a Black man, and if it bothered them, then conservatives (who are of course much more racist then them) must be foaming at the mouth and preparing their lynching ropes.

Most people don’t fall for the “I’m a good white person, he’s a bad white person” bunk that liberals have been so fond of since the late ’70’s. That doesn’t stop the left from trying, but it bothers them. So much does it bother them that their frustration at rapidly declining support amongst African-Americans shows itself in interesting ways.

Like this for instance, or the infamous Lieberman black face photo that was posted by Jane Hamsher at Huffingtonpost (who only took it down when there was national attention) of worst of all the black face hit job on Michael Steele.

The vile racist who put Wolf Blitzer in black face, who doesn’t seem to allow comments, has a typically grandiose, paranoid site that looks on it’s face like a parody of left-wing sites. Filled to the brim with convoluted logic, conspiracy theories, pro-Baathist propaganda and folk Marxist theology, it’s less a blog and more a visual scream, a representation of one man’s anger at a world that isn’t enough like him to please him.
More importantly it is an attack on a world where not enough people agree with him, especially those people who should always agree with him.
And of course like all angry liberals, the dirty secret of his own racism exposes itself. The Klan robes that hide beneath the cloak of liberalism are never more then a tirade away from billowing noxiously in the wind of self-righteousness.

That’s why I’m a Republican.

H/T Right Wing News

Update: Can you guess where neo-Klanner Billmon is blogrolled? Look under the Kos Alumni section.

The demonology of the Democratic Underground

On October 23rd the anti-war front group for several Communist activists and their affiliated groups posted a year-old press release on their website citing a court case involving the publications of pictures of gang rapes and child molestation from Abu Ghraib. They then posted a clip about it on a forum at Democratic Underground which created a frenzy of condemnation of America, the military, and Republicans, even though the supposed pictures of these atrocities have never materialized. In fact, the charges of child sexual abuse and gang rapes of women are not only false, but are recycled conspiracy theories from the late ’90s satanic abuse scare.

The idea that there are photos of American G.I.’s gang raping women started in May of 2004 when local Boston politician Chuck Turner was able to convince The Boston Globe to run a story about Americans raping women in Iraq and posting the images on the Internet. The evidence Turner used, supposedly undisclosed to the reporters, was images downloaded from a rape fetish site. Once this came to light, it created quite a scandal.

But while the actual documentation of abuse at Abu Ghraib is considered shocking enough by any civilized person, rabid anti-government activists needed more horrendous abuse by Americans to prove their point, so every few months the allegations are recycled by those who are invested in the belief that America and all who support her are evil.

The D.U. posters, and AfterDowningStreet.org, are accepting the image of America propagated by the likes “Joe Vialls“, who believes the debunking of the gang rape photos was part of a Cointelpro operation or the racist reconquista organization La Voz de Aztlan who continue to use the debunked photos. This image is of blood thirsty Americans, controlled by satanic cults, who are more likely to rape, murder and commit war crimes than either Saddam’s Baathists or Al Qaeda. The question is why do rational people want to be duped into believing the worst about their fellow citizens?

I say because it makes things easier. If the world’s problems are all caused by Americans, then solving the world’s problems is as simple as changing governments. If our soldiers are more brutal than the terrorists we fight, then being against “Bush’s war” is morally justified, and what’s more those who support the war needn’t be taken seriously (after all they support raping children), and the suspect claims that Iraqis were better off under Saddam becomes true. If the enemy you fight will only argue with you, and not cut your head off, “heroic resistance” becomes infinitely easier than if these same people stood up to Communists, Baathists or radical Islamists.

Just as it was once easier for people to believe that their cows were sick because of the malevolence of witches and demons, and not their poor farming or bad luck, just as it is easier for some people even today to believe the unseemly impulses that shame them are actually put into their minds by the devil, it is easier to for many on the left to believe that a shadowy, out-of-control government is causing the strife in the world. It is the left’s demonology, their explanation for evil. Like the old demonology of medieval Christianity, it condemns the innocent, and puts the responsibility for events outside our control onto a group that can be punished.

Burning witches didn’t stop plague or famine in the those burning times, and criminalizing our military won’t stop the coming war in our time. It would be nice if it weren’t so, but the truth is that the demons of the left are our only hope to survive the onslaught of armies gathering to end the American experiment once and for all. Let us all hope that the exorcists at Democratic Underground don’t succeed in banishing them by the time we need them the most.